Jakobus Schürz
and use the same pathes for vim plugin repos on git.schuerz.at as on github.com
33 lines
874 B
Executable file
33 lines
874 B
Executable file
helper = cache --timeout=1200
name = Jakobus Schürz
email = jakobus.schuerz@schuerz.at
default = simple
editor = vim
submodule = log
last = log -1 HEAD
unstage = reset HEAD --
visual = !gitk
tree = log --oneline --decorate --graph --all
treefull = log --graph --all
hist = log --pretty=format:'%h %ad | %s%d [%an : %cn]' --graph --date=short
fixcached = rm -r --cached .
delete-last-commit = reset --soft HEAD~1
purge-last-commit = reset --hard HEAD~1
pushdetachedhead = push origin HEAD:master
conflictstyle = diff3
tool = vimdiff
prompt = false
pushup = "!gitbranchname() { git symbolic-ref --short HEAD; }; gitpushupstream() { git push --set-upstream origin `gitbranchname`; }; gitpushupstream"
path = ~/.gitconfig_local