# Initialize variables, if not set [ -z ${TMUX_SESSION_DIRS+x} ] && TMUX_SESSION_DIRS=( ~/.config/tmux/sessions ~/.local/share/tmux/sessions ~/.tmux/sessions) [ -z ${SETPROXY_CREDS_DIRS+x} ] && SETPROXY_CREDS_DIRS=(~/.config/proxycreds) [ -z ${KERBEROS_CONFIG_DIRS+x} ] && KERBEROS_CONFIG_DIRS=(~/.config/kinit) [ -z ${ENCFS_CONFIG_DIRS+x} ] && ENCFS_CONFIG_DIRS=(~/.config/encfs) export TMUX_SESSION_DIRS SETPROXY_CREDS_DIRS KERBEROS_CONFIG_DIRS cpb() { scp "$1" ${SSH_CLIENT%% *}:~/Work } sudo() { local SUDO SUDO=$( if [ -e /bin/sudo ]; then echo /bin/sudo; else echo /usr/bin/sudo; fi ) $SUDO TMUX=$TMUX SSHS=$SSHS SSH_TTY=$SSH_TTY "$@" } create_symlinks() { #echo MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE: $MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE # MYSHELLCONFIG_BASEDIR="$1" # DIR="$(basename ${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASEDIR})" # cd "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASEDIR}" cd ${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE} #echo "DIR MYSHELLCONFIG_BASEDIR $DIR $MYSHELLCONFIG_BASEDIR" git config credential.helper 'cache --timeout=300' #Anlegen von Symlinks rm -rf ~/.vimrc ~/.vim ~/bashrc_add ~/.gitconfig ~/.tmux.conf ~/.tmux ln -sf "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/vimrc" ~/.vimrc ln -sf "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/vim" ~/.vim ln -sf "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/.gitconfig" ~/.gitconfig #ln -sf "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/bashrc_add" ~/bashrc_add ln -sf "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/tmux" ~/.tmux ln -sf "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/tmux/tmux.conf" ~/.tmux.conf #mkdir -pv ~/.config/systemd/user/default.target.wants #ln -sf "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/systemd/workdir.service" ~/.config/systemd/user/default.target.wants/workdir.service #ln -sf "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/systemd/workdir.service" ~/.config/systemd/user/workdir.service # Configure to use githooks in .githooks, not in standardlocation .git/hooks $SGIT config core.hooksPath .githooks # remove all old symlinks in .githooks and relink files from .githooks to .git/hooks # don't know, why i do it here. TODO: Check it find .git/hooks -type l -exec rm {} \; && find .githooks -type f -exec ln -sf ../../{} .git/hooks/ \; #systemctl --user daemon-reload #systemctl --user restart workdir.service cd ~- } setproxy () { local CONFIG case $# in 0) echo too few arguments return ;; *) if [ -z ${SETPROXY_CREDS_DIRS+x} ] ; then echo "are you sure, SETPROXY_CREDS_DIRS is defined?" return 1 else CONFIG=$(find ${SETPROXY_CREDS_DIRS[*]} -mindepth 1 -name "$1.conf" -print -quit 2>/dev/null ) fi ;; esac if [ -e ${CONFIG} ]; then echo -n "${CONFIG} existing: " source "${CONFIG}" echo "sourced" export PROXY_CREDS="${PROXY_USER}:${PROXY_PASS}@" else echo "${CONFIG} not existing" export PROXY_CREDS="" fi export {http,https,ftp}_proxy="http://${PROXY_CREDS}${PROXY_SERVER}:${PROXY_PORT}" export {HTTP,HTTPS,FTP}_PROXY="http://${PROXY_CREDS}${PROXY_SERVER}:${PROXY_PORT}" } mencfs () { [ $# -eq 0 ] && { echo "too few arguments" >&2; return 1; } local PKEY local ENCDIR local DESTDIR local PASS=$(which pass 2>/dev/null || exit 127 ) local ENCFS=$(which encfs 2>/dev/null || exit 127 ) local CONFIG if [ -z ${ENCFS_CONFIG_DIRS+x} ] ; then echo "are you sure, ENCFS_CONFIG_DIRS is defined?" return 1 else CONFIG=$(find ${ENCFS_CONFIG_DIRS[*]} -mindepth 1 -name "$1.conf" -print -quit 2>/dev/null ) fi if [ -e ${CONFIG} ]; then echo -n "${CONFIG} existing: " source "${CONFIG}" echo "sourced" else echo "${CONFIG} not existing" return 2 fi [ -z ${PKEY+x} ] && return 3 [ -z ${ENCDIR+x} ] && return 4 [ -z ${DESTDIR+x} ] && DESTDIR="$(dirname $ENCDIR)/$(basename $ENCDIR| tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'| sed -e 's/^\.//')" $PASS "${PKEY}" 1>/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo entry $PKEY does not exist in passwordsotre; return 5; } local ENCFS_PASSWORD=$($PASS "${PKEY}" | head -n1) if [ -z ${ENCDIR+x} -a -d ${ENCDIR} ];then echo "no encrypted directory found -> exit" return 4 else echo mount encrypted directory $ENCDIR on $DESTDIR $ENCFS -S $ENCDIR $DESTDIR </dev/null || exit 127 ) [ -z ${FUSERMOUNT+x} ] && return 127 if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then if [ ! -d ${1} ];then echo "encrypted directory ${1} not found -> exit" >&2 return 128 else echo umount encrypted directory $1 >&2 $FUSERMOUNT -u "$1" fi else echo "no arguments given. Umount all mounted encfs-dirs" >&2 for i in $(mount|grep encfs|sed -e 's/^encfs on \(.*\)\ type.*$/\1/');do echo $FUSERMOUNT -u "$i" $FUSERMOUNT -u "$i" done return 1 fi } kinit-custom () { local PKEY local REALM local PASS=$(which pass 2>/dev/null || exit 127 ) local KINIT=$(which kinit 2>/dev/null || exit 127 ) local CONFIG if [ -z ${KERBEROS_CONFIG_DIRS+x} ] ; then echo "are you sure, KERBEROS_CONFIG_DIRS is defined?" return 1 else CONFIG=$(find ${KERBEROS_CONFIG_DIRS[*]} -mindepth 1 -name "$1.conf" -print -quit 2>/dev/null ) fi if [ -e ${CONFIG} ]; then echo -n "${CONFIG} existing: " source "${CONFIG}" echo "sourced" else echo "${CONFIG} not existing" return 2 fi [ -z ${PKEY+x} ] && return 3 $PASS "${PKEY}" 1>/dev/null 2>&1 || return 3 local KERBEROS_PASSWORD=$($PASS "${PKEY}" | head -n1) local KERBEROS_USER=$($PASS "${PKEY}" | grep login | sed -e 's/^login: //' ) #echo KERBEROS_PASSWORD: $KERBEROS_PASSWORD echo Get kerberos-ticket for: $KERBEROS_USER@$REALM if [ -z ${KERBEROS_USER+x} ];then echo "no kerberos user found -> exit" return 4 else $KINIT -R "${KERBEROS_USER}@${REALM}" < ~/bashrc_add" < "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/bashrc_add" local CMD="$SSH -T $@" fi $CMD /bin/bash << EOF [ -e /etc/bashrc ] && . /etc/bashrc [ -e /etc/bash.bashrc ] && . /etc/bash.bashrc echo "modify ~/.bashrc" sed -i -e '/^\[ -f bashrc_add \] /d' ~/.bashrc sed -i -e '/#MYSHELLCONFIG-start/,/#MYSHELLCONFIG-end/d' ~/.bashrc echo printf "%s\n" "#MYSHELLCONFIG-start" "[ -f \"\${HOME}/${MYSHELLCONFIG_SUBPATH}/bashrc_add\" ] && . \"\${HOME}/${MYSHELLCONFIG_SUBPATH}/bashrc_add\"" "#MYSHELLCONFIG-end"| tee -a ~/.bashrc #printf "%s\n" "#MYSHELLCONFIG-start" "if [ -e \${HOME}/${MYSHELLCONFIG_SUBPATH}/bashrc_add ]; then" " . \${HOME}/${MYSHELLCONFIG_SUBPATH}/bashrc_add;" "else" " if [ -f ~/bashrc_add ] ;then" " . ~/bashrc_add;" " fi;" "fi" "#MYSHELLCONFIG-end" |tee -a ~/.bashrc echo echo cleanup from old config rm -rf ~/server-config && echo rm -rf ~/server-config EOF } sshs() { # MKTMPCMD='mktemp $(echo ${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/bashrc.XXXXXXXX.conf)' # VIMMKTMPCMD="mktemp ${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/vimrc.XXXXXXXX.conf" local TMPBASHCONFIG=$(mktemp -p ${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR} -t bashrc.XXXXXXXX --suffix=.conf) local FILELIST=( ~/.aliases "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/functions.sh" "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/aliases" "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/PS1" "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/bash_completion.d/*" "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/myshell_load_fortmpconfig" ) # Read /etc/bashrc or /etc/bash.bashrc (depending on distribution) and /etc/profile.d/*.sh first cat << EOF >> "${TMPBASHCONFIG}" [ -e /etc/bashrc ] && BASHRC=/etc/bashrc [ -e /etc/bash.bashrc ] && BASHRC=/etc/bash.bashrc . \$BASHRC for i in /etc/profile.d/*.sh; do if [ -r "$i" ];then if [ "$PS1" ]; then . "$i" else . "$i" >/dev/null fi fi done EOF for f in ${FILELIST[*]}; do if [ -e $f ]; then #echo add $f to tmpconfig cat "$f" >> "${TMPBASHCONFIG}"; fi done if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then if [ -e "${TMPBASHCONFIG}" ] ; then local RCMD="/bin/bash --noprofile --norc -c " local REMOTETMPBASHCONFIG=$(ssh -T -o VisualHostKey=no $@ "mktemp -p \${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR} -t bashrc.XXXXXXXX --suffix=.conf"| tr -d '[:space:]' ) local REMOTETMPVIMCONFIG=$(ssh -T -o VisualHostKey=no $@ "mktemp -p \${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR} -t vimrc.XXXXXXXX --suffix=.conf"| tr -d '[:space:]') # Add additional aliases to bashrc for remote-machine cat << EOF >> "${TMPBASHCONFIG}" alias vi='vim -u ${REMOTETMPVIMCONFIG}' alias vim='vim -u ${REMOTETMPVIMCONFIG}' alias vimdiff='vimdiff -u ${REMOTETMPVIMCONFIG}' export LS_OPTIONS="${LS_OPTIONS}" export VIMRC="${REMOTETMPVIMCONFIG}" export BASHRC="${REMOTETMPBASHCONFIG}" title "\$USER@\$HOSTNAME: \$PWD" echo "This bash runs with temporary config from \$BASHRC" EOF ssh -T -o VisualHostKey=no $@ "cat > ${REMOTETMPBASHCONFIG}" < "${TMPBASHCONFIG}" ssh -T -o VisualHostKey=no $@ "cat > ${REMOTETMPVIMCONFIG}" < "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/vimrc" RCMD=" trap \"rm -f ${REMOTETMPBASHCONFIG} ${REMOTETMPVIMCONFIG}\" EXIT " ; ssh -t $@ "$RCMD; SSHS=true bash -c \"function bash () { /bin/bash --rcfile ${REMOTETMPBASHCONFIG} -i ; } ; export -f bash; exec bash --rcfile ${REMOTETMPBASHCONFIG}\"" rm "${TMPBASHCONFIG}" else echo "${TMPBASHCONFIG} does not exist. Use »ssh $@«" >&2 ssh -t "$@" fi else echo "too few arguments for sshs" >&2 ssh fi } VIMRC="${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/vimrc" svi () { if [ -f ${VIMRC} ]; then sudo vim -u "${VIMRC}" $@; else sudo vim $@ fi } vim-plugins-update () { vim -c "PluginUpdate" -c ":qa!" } vim-plugins-install () { vim -c "PluginInstall" -c ":qa!" } vim-repair-vundle () { if [ -z ${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE+x} ]; then echo "MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE nicht gesetzt. Eventuell noch einmal ausloggen und wieder einloggen" else cd $MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE cd vim/bundle rm -rf Vundle.vim git clone "${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUBLIC}Vim/gmarik/Vundle.vim.git" cd ~- fi } getbashrcfile () { if [ -z ${BASHRC+x} ] ; then echo "bash uses default" else cat /proc/$$/cmdline | xargs -0 echo|awk '{print $3}' fi } catbashrcfile () { if [ -z ${BASHRC+x} ] ; then echo "bash uses default" else #cat $(cat /proc/$$/cmdline | xargs -0 echo|awk '{print $3}') cat $(getbashrcfile) fi } getvimrcfile () { if [ -z ${VIMRC+x} ] ; then echo "vim uses default" else echo $VIMRC fi } catvimrcfile () { if [ -z ${VIMRC+x} ] ; then echo "vim uses default" else #cat $VIMRC cat $(getvimrcfile) fi } # Functions to set the correct title of the terminal function title() { # change the title of the current window or tab echo -ne "\033]0;$*\007" } function sshx() { /usr/bin/ssh "$@" # revert the window title after the ssh command title $USER@$HOST } function su() { /bin/su "$@" # revert the window title after the su command title $USER@$HOST } function usage() { cat << EOF Keyboard-shortcuts: # tmux: C+Cursor tmux window change size M+[hjkl] tmux change splitted windows # vim: C+[hjkl] vim change splitted windows EOF } function pdsh-update-hetzner() { curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $(pass hetzner.com/api-token | head -n1)" \ https://api.hetzner.cloud/v1/servers \ | /usr/bin/jq '.servers[].public_net.ipv4.ip'|sed -e 's/\"//g' \ |while read i; do dig -x $i | awk '$0 !~ /^;/ && $4 == "PTR" {print $5}' done |sed -s -e 's/\.$//' > ~/.dsh/group/hetzner-servers } function tmuxx() { case $# in 1) SESS=($(find ${TMUX_SESSION_DIRS[*]} -mindepth 1 -name "$1.session" 2>/dev/null )) ;; *) echo no session specified return ;; esac TMUX='/usr/bin/tmux' $TMUX -f ~/.tmux.conf new-session -d [ -e ${SESS[0]} ] && $TMUX source-file ${SESS[0]} $TMUX attach-session -d } function checkbkp() { if ping -c 3 backup.vpn >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then local SSH="/usr/bin/ssh" local CMD="$SSH -T backup.vpn" $CMD /bin/bash << EOF sudo find /srv/nfs/backup -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1|grep -v -e "git$\|git-backup-repos"|while read i;do printf "%-30s%s\\n" "\$i" \$(ls \$i|tail -n1);done|sort -k 2.1 -r EOF else echo "backup.vpn is not reachable -> exit" return 1 fi } function checkbkp-full() { if ping -c 3 backup.vpn >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then local SSH="/usr/bin/ssh" local CMD="$SSH -T backup.vpn" $CMD /bin/bash << EOF sudo find /srv/nfs/backup -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1|grep -v -e "git$\|git-backup-repos"|while read i;do printf "%-30s%s\\n" "\$i" \$(ls \$i|tail -n1);done|sort -k 2.1 -r EOF #which pdsh 1>/dev/null 2>&1 && pdsh -g hetzner-servers sudo systemctl status backup.service which pdsh 1>/dev/null 2>&1 && pdsh -g vpn sudo systemctl status backup.service else echo "backup.vpn is not reachable -> exit" return 1 fi } turnoffbeep() { changebeep none } changebeep() { local style case $1 in none) style=none ;; visible) style=visible ;; audible) style=audible ;; *) echo "usage: changebeep [none|visible|audible]" return 1 ;; esac local line='set bell-style' local file=~/.inputrc if [ -e "${file}" ] ; then sed -i -e "/$line/d" "${file}" fi echo "${line} ${style}" >> "${file}" return 0 } turnoffconfigsync() { local line='MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_SYNC=' local file=~/.bashrc if [ -e "${file}" ] ; then sed -i -e "/${line}/d" "${file}" fi sed -i -e "/#MYSHELLCONFIG-start/i${line}false" "${file}" } turnonconfigsync() { local line='MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_SYNC=' local file=~/.bashrc if [ -e "${file}" ] ; then sed -i -e "/${line}/d" "${file}" fi sed -i "/#MYSHELLCONFIG-start/i${line}true" "${file}" } function gnome-shell-extensions-enable-defaults() { if [ -f ~/.config/gnome-shell-extensions-default.list ]; then for i in $(cat ~/.config/gnome-shell-extensions-default.list); do #gnome-shell-extension-tool -e $i; gnome-extensions enable $i; done; fi } gnome-shell-extensions-make-actual-permanent-systemwide() { # https://people.gnome.org/~pmkovar/system-admin-guide/extensions-enable.html # https://askubuntu.com/questions/359958/extensions-are-turned-off-after-reboot local file="/etc/dconf/profile/user" sudo mkdir -p "/etc/dconf/profile/" local line='user-db:user' if [ -e "${file}" ] ; then echo "$command" sudo sh -c "$command" fi local line='system-db:local' if [ -e "${file}" ] ; then command="grep -xqF -- ${line} ${file} || echo $line >> $file" sudo sh -c "$command" fi local line='enabled-extensions=' local file='/etc/dconf/db/local.d/00-extensions' sudo mkdir -p '/etc/dconf/db/local.d' if [ -e "${file}" ] ; then sudo sed -i -e "/${line}/d" "${file}" sudo sed -i -e "/\[org\/gnome\/shell\]/d" "${file}" fi local EXTENSIONS=$(gsettings get org.gnome.shell enabled-extensions) echo "[org/gnome/shell]" | sudo tee -a "${file}" echo "${EXTENSIONS}" | sudo tee -a "${file}" } #EOF