#!/bin/bash #debug # set SSHS to false, if not set if [ -z ${SSHS+x} ]; then SSHS=false;fi # check if we are a interactive shell # https://guide.bash.academy/expansions/ # https://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/refcards.html#AEN22473 if [[ $- = *i* ]] ; then #if [ -n "$PS1" ] ;then #echo "interactive shell" >&2 # define variables [ -z "${USERNAME+x}" ] && USERNAME="$USER" [ -z "${USEREMAIL+x}" ] && USEREMAIL="$USER@$(domainname -f)" [ -z "${FULLNAME+x}" ] && FULLNAME="$(getent passwd $USER | cut -d ":" -f 5 | cut -d ',' -f 1)" [ -z "${GIT_AUTHOR_NAME+x}" ] && GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=$FULLNAME [ -z "${GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL+x}" ] && GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=$FULLNAME [ -z "${GIT_COMMITTER_NAME+x}" ] && GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=$FULLNAME [ -z "${GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL+x}" ] && GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=$FULLNAME [ -z "${MYSHELLCONFIG_SUBPATH+x}" ] && MYSHELLCONFIG_SUBPATH=".local/myshellconfig" [ -z "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE+x}" ] && MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE="${HOME}/${MYSHELLCONFIG_SUBPATH}" MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE_PARENT="$(dirname $MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE)" [ -z "${MYSHELLCONFIG_LOGDIR+x}" ] && MYSHELLCONFIG_LOGDIR="${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/logs" [ -z "${MYSHELLCONFIG_LOGFILE+x}" ] && MYSHELLCONFIG_LOGFILE="${MYSHELLCONFIG_LOGDIR}/git.log" [ -z "${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_TIMEOUT+x}" ] && MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_TIMEOUT=5s [ -z "${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_CHECKOUT_TIMEOUT+x}" ] && MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_CHECKOUT_TIMEOUT=20s MYSHELLCONFIG_BASH_COMPLETION="${HOME}/${MYSHELLCONFIG_SUBPATH}/bash_completion.d" SGIT="git -C ${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}" export MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE MYSHELLCONFIG_LOGDIR MYSHELLCONFIG_LOGFILE SGIT MYSHELLCONFIG_VIM_PLUGINS # define functions ckrepo () { # check if remote repo is reachable if $( timeout --foreground "${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_TIMEOUT}" $SGIT ls-remote >/dev/null 2>&1) ;then return 0 else return 1 fi } sync_config () { local nok="" local gco="" if which git >/dev/null; then echo -n "Sync config with ${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_SERVER}: " 1>&2 # MYSHELLCONFIG_GITCHECKOUTSCRIPT_OPTIONS are options for bin/git-myshellconfig-checkout # this are now: # -h for headless repo if [ -z ${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_CHECKOUTSCRIPT_OPTIONS+x} ]; then gco="-h" else gco="$MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_CHECKOUTSCRIPT_OPTIONS" fi ${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/bin/git-myshellconfig-checkout ${gco}|| nok="not " 1>>"${MYSHELLCONFIG_LOGFILE}" 2>&1 #|tee -a ./logs/git.log 1>&2 printf '%s\n' "${nok}synced" 1>&2 # If you want, put a greeting message after sync here # cat << EOF >&2 # #--------------------------------------------------- #if you want to update submodules, change dir an run #cd $MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE #git submodule update --remote --merge #cd ~ #--------------------------------------------------- #EOF else echo "git not installed, no configuration possible, please install git" >&2 fi } if ! $SSHS; then # echo "do not source bashrc_add" >&2 # else # echo "source bashrc_add" >&2 # Uncomment the following line if you don't like systemctl's auto-paging feature: # export SYSTEMD_PAGER= ### set userspecific variables ####### [ -z "$PDSH_RCMD_TYPE" ] && export PDSH_RCMD_TYPE=ssh [ -z "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" ] && export export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$(id -u $USER) ###################################### MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_PROTOCOL_GIT="git://" MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_PROTOCOL_HTTP="http://" MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_PROTOCOL_SSH="git@" [ -z "${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_SERVER+x}" ] && MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_SERVER="git.schuerz.at" [ -z "${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REPO_NAME+x}" ] && MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REPO_NAME="$(basename $MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE).git" [ -z "${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REPO_PATH_HTTP+x}" ] && MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REPO_PATH_HTTP="/public/" [ -z "${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REPO_PATH_SSH+x}" ] && MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REPO_PATH_SSH=":public/" [ -z "${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REPO_PATH_GIT+x}" ] && MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REPO_PATH_GIT="/public/" MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUBLIC_GIT="${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_PROTOCOL_GIT}${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_SERVER}${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REPO_PATH_GIT}" MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUBLIC_SSH="${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_PROTOCOL_SSH}${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_SERVER}${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REPO_PATH_SSH}" MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUBLIC_HTTP="${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_PROTOCOL_HTTP}${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_SERVER}${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REPO_PATH_HTTP}" MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUBLIC_DEFAULT="${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUBLIC_GIT}" MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_DEFAULT="${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_PROTOCOL_GIT}${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_SERVER}${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REPO_PATH_GIT}" # If MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE is set in ~/.bashrc before sourcing this file, take value from ~/.bashrc # If set MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PROTOCOL in ~/.bashrc before sourcing this file, you cange choose one of the above # defined values for a specific host if [ -z ${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE+x} ]; then case $MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PROTOCOL in git) MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUBLIC="${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUBLIC_GIT}" ;; ssh) MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUBLIC="${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUBLIC_SSH}" ;; http) MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUBLIC="${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUBLIC_HTTP}" ;; *) MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUBLIC="${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_DEFAULT}" ;; esac MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE="${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUBLIC}${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REPO_NAME}" fi if [ -z ${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUSH+x} ]; then case $MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUSH_PROTOCOL in git) MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUSH_PUBLIC="${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUBLIC_GIT}" ;; ssh) MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUSH_PUBLIC="${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUBLIC_SSH}" ;; http) MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUSH_PUBLIC="${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUBLIC_HTTP}" ;; *) MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUSH_PUBLIC="${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUBLIC_DEFAULT}" ;; esac MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUSH=${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUSH_PUBLIC}${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REPO_NAME} fi [ -z "${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_NAME+x}" ] && export MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_NAME=origin [ -z "${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_BRANCH+x}" ] && export MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_BRANCH=master # If TAG is set, checkout is always headless. [ -z "${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_TAG:+x}" ] || { export MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_BRANCH=${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_TAG}; export MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_CHECKOUTSCRIPT_OPTIONS=""; } #GIT_SSH_PATH="/srv/repos" case $TERM in *term*) if [ -d "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}" -a $($SGIT status 1>/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?) -eq 0 ]; then [ -d "${MYSHELLCONFIG_LOGDIR}" ] || mkdir -p "${MYSHELLCONFIG_LOGDIR}" if ! $SGIT rev-parse --git-dir > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "Init ${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE} as git-repo" >&2 $SGIT init fi # Update Userinformations for git $SGIT config user.email "${USERNAME}" $SGIT config user.name "${FULLNAME}" # set upstream only if not detached [ $($SGIT rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) != "HEAD" ] && $SGIT branch --set-upstream-to=${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_NAME}/$($SGIT rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) # sync repo with origin if git is reachable if ckrepo ; then sync_config . ${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/functions.sh create_symlinks "$MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE" else echo "${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_SERVER}" not reachable >&2; echo profile not syncing >&2; fi else echo "Clone ${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE} and configure git" >&2 if $( timeout --foreground "${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_CHECKOUT_TIMEOUT}" git -C ${HOME} clone "${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE}" "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}" ); then : else MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE="${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUBLIC_HTTP}${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REPO_NAME}" echo "Clone ${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE} and configure git" >&2 timeout --foreground "${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_CHECKOUT_TIMEOUT}" git -C ${HOME} clone "${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE}" "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}" || return 1 2>/dev/null || exit 1 fi [ -d "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}" ] && { echo create ${MYSHELLCONFIG_LOGDIR} >&2; mkdir -p "${MYSHELLCONFIG_LOGDIR}"; } $SGIT config user.email "${USERNAME}" $SGIT config user.name "${FULLNAME}" # Initialize Vundle as preconfigured Submodule #$SGIT submodule update --init --recursive #$SGIT submodule foreach 'git checkout master' echo "sync config" >&2 sync_config . ${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/functions.sh echo "config synced, functions.sh sourced" >&2 create_symlinks "$MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE" # Install vim Plugins #echo "Run Vim, and in Vim run :PluginInstall to install all Plugins" vim -c "PluginInstall" -c ":qa!" fi [ -z ${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUSH+x} ] || $SGIT remote set-url --push ${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_NAME} "${MYSHELLCONFIG_GIT_REMOTE_PUSH}" # cd ${HOME} ;; *screen*) echo "I'm in sceen/tmux now" >&2 ;; *dumb*) echo "Run with dumb terminal" 1>&2 ;; esac if [ -e ${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/functions.sh ]; then . ${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/functions.sh else return fi ###################################################################################### # ls is not in color on all systems export LS_OPTIONS='--color=auto' eval "`dircolors`" ####################################################################################### # User specific aliases and function if [ -d "${HOME}/bin" ] ; then pathmunge "${HOME}/bin" export PATH fi if [ -d "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/bin" ] ; then pathmunge "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/bin" export PATH fi if [ -d "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/git-credential-pass" ] ; then pathmunge "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/git-credential-pass" export PATH fi if [ -f "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/aliases" ]; then . "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/aliases" fi if [ -f ~/.aliases ]; then . ~/.aliases fi if [ -f "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/PS1" ]; then . "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASE}/PS1" fi if [ -e "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASH_COMPLETION}" ]; then for i in $( ls "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASH_COMPLETION}" ); do . "${MYSHELLCONFIG_BASH_COMPLETION}/${i}" done fi ######################################################################################### # Go HOME #cd ${HOME} # Create and link Work-Dir of the Day WDOTD=$(date "+${HOME}/archive/work/%Y/%m/work_%Y%m%d") [ -e $WDOTD ] || mkdir -pv "${WDOTD}" if [ ( -e "${HOME}/WORK" -a -h "${HOME}/WORK" ) -o ! -e "${HOME}/WORK" ] ; then ln -sf "${WDOTD}" "${HOME}/WORK" else echo "${HOME}/WORK exists and is real directory" fi echo "bashrc_add sourced" 1>&2 if test ! $TMUX && test $SSH_TTY && test $TERM != screen && test $(systemctl status tmux@${USER}.service 1>/dev/null 2>&1; echo $? ) -eq 0; then cat << EOF "User: $USER - $UID" Starting or resuming screen session Press CTRL+C to cancel screen startup EOF sleep 1 #screen -UxR tmux attach-session fi unset -f pathmunge else # run with temporary config case $TERM in *screen*) echo BASHRC: $BASHRC -> source it #[ -e $BASHRC ] && . "$BASHRC" if [ ! -z ${BASHRC+x} ]; then if [ -e $BASHRC ] ; then exec bash --rcfile "$BASHRC" -i /dev/null else exec bash -i fi else exec bash -i fi ;; esac fi fi