# tmux-test [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/tmux-plugins/tmux-test.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/tmux-plugins/tmux-test) A small framework for isolated testing of tmux plugins. Isolation is achieved by running the tests in `Vagrant`. Works on [travis](travis-ci.org) too. Extracted from [tmux plugin manager](https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm) and [tmux-copycat](https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tmux-copycat). Dependencies: `Vagrant` (not required when running on travis). ### Setup Let's say you made tmux plugin with the following file hierarchy: ```text /tmux-plugin |-- plugin.tmux `-- scripts `-- plugin_script.sh ``` From your project root directory (tmux-plugin/) execute the following shell command to fetch `tmux-test` and add it as a submodule: $ git submodule add https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tmux-test.git lib/tmux-test Run the `setup` script: $ lib/tmux-test/setup The project directory will now look like this (additions have comments): ```text /tmux-plugin |-- plugin.tmux |-- run_tests # symlink, gitignored |-- .gitignore # 2 lines appended to gitignore |-- .travis.yml # added |-- lib/tmux-test/ # git submodule |-- scripts | `-- plugin_script.sh `-- tests # dir to put the tests in `-- run_tests_in_isolation.sh # symlink, gitignored `-- helpers `-- helpers.sh # symlinked bash helpers, gitignored ``` `tmux-test` is now set up. You are ok to commit the additions to the repo. ### Writing and running tests A test is any executable with a name starting with `test_` in `tests/` directory. Now that you installed `tmux-test` let's create an example test. - create a `tests/test_example.sh` file with the following content (it's a `bash` script but it can be any executable): #/usr/bin/env bash CURRENT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" # bash helpers provided by 'tmux-test' source $CURRENT_DIR/helpers/helpers.sh # installs plugin from current repo in Vagrant (or on Travis) install_tmux_plugin_under_test_helper # start tmux in background (plugin under test is sourced) tmux new -d # get first session name session_name="$(tmux list-sessions -F "#{session_name}")" # fail the test if first session name is not "0" if [ "$session_name" == "0" ]; then # fail_helper is also provided by 'tmux-test' fail_helper "First session name is not '0' by default" fi # sets the right script exit code ('tmux-test' helper) exit_helper - make the test file executable with `$ chmod +x tests/test_example.sh` - run the test by executing `./run_tests` from the project root directory - the first invocation might take some time because Vagrant's ubuntu virtual machine is downloading. You should see `Success, tests pass!` message when it's done. Check out more example test scripts in this project's [tests/ directory](tests/). ### Continuous integration The setup script (`lib/tmux-test/setup`) added a `.travis.yml` file to the project root. To setup continuous integration, just add/enable the project on [travis](travis-ci.org). ### Notes - The `tests/` directory for tests and `lib/tmux-test/` for cloning `tmux-test` into cannot be changed currently - Don't run `tests/run_tests_in_isolation` script on your local development environment. That's an internal test runner meant to be executed in an isolated environment like `vagrant` or `travis`.
Use `./run_tests` script. - You can use `KEEP_RUNNING=true ./run_tests` for faster test running cycle. If this case `Vagrant` will keep running even after the tests are done. - You can use `VAGRANT_CWD=lib/tmux-test/ vagrant ssh ubuntu` for ssh login to `Vagrant`. ### Running `tmux-test` framework tests `tmux-test` uses itself to test itself. To run framework tests: - clone this project `$ git clone git@github.com:tmux-plugins/tmux-test.git` - `$ cd tmux-test` - run `$ ./run_framework_tests` ### Other goodies - [tmux-copycat](https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tmux-copycat) - a plugin for regex searches in tmux and fast match selection - [tmux-continuum](https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tmux-continuum) - automatic restoring and continuous saving of tmux env ### License [MIT](LICENSE.md)