remove file

This commit is contained in:
Jakobus Schürz 2020-10-28 21:27:04 +01:00
parent 79b3ba9f2f
commit 8db4381e2b

View file

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
" To make this file do stuff, add something like the following (without the
" leading ") to your ~/.vimrc:
" au BufNewFile,BufRead *.yaml,*.yml so ~/src/PyYaml/YAML.vim
" Vim syntax/macro file
" Language: YAML
" Author: Igor Vergeichik <>
" Sponsor: Tom Sawyer <>
" Stayven: Ryan King <>
" Copyright (c) 2002 Tom Saywer
" Add an item to a gangly list:
"map , o<bs><bs><bs><bs>-<esc>o
" Convert to Canonical form:
"map \c :%!python -c 'from yaml.redump import redump; import sys; print redump('
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
syntax clear
syn match yamlDelimiter "[:,-]"
syn match yamlBlock "[\[\]\{\}\|\>]"
syn match yamlOperator "[?^+-]\|=>"
syn region yamlComment start="\#" end="$"
syn match yamlIndicator "#YAML:\S\+"
syn region yamlString start="'" end="'" skip="\\'"
syn region yamlString start='"' end='"' skip='\\"' contains=yamlEscape
syn match yamlEscape +\\[abfnrtv'"\\]+ contained
syn match yamlEscape "\\\o\o\=\o\=" contained
syn match yamlEscape "\\x\x\+" contained
syn match yamlType "!\S\+"
syn keyword yamlConstant NULL Null null NONE None none NIL Nil nil
syn keyword yamlConstant TRUE True true YES Yes yes ON On on
syn keyword yamlConstant FALSE False false NO No no OFF Off off
syn match yamlKey "\w\+\ze\s*:"
syn match yamlAnchor "&\S\+"
syn match yamlAlias "*\S\+"
" Setupt the hilighting links
hi link yamlConstant Keyword
hi link yamlIndicator PreCondit
hi link yamlAnchor Function
hi link yamlAlias Function
hi link yamlKey Identifier
hi link yamlType Type
hi link yamlComment Comment
hi link yamlBlock Operator
hi link yamlOperator Operator
hi link yamlDelimiter Delimiter
hi link yamlString String
hi link yamlEscape Special