from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals) #from builtins import * import sys import subprocess import socket import os import errno import re import paramiko __author__ = "Jakobus Schuerz " __version__ = "0.04.0" # Useful for very coarse version differentiation. PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2 PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3 PY34 = sys.version_info[0:2] >= (3, 4) if PY3: from configparser import ConfigParser from configparser import RawConfigParser, NoOptionError, NoSectionError else: from ConfigParser import ConfigParser from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser, NoOptionError, NoSectionError class Error(Exception): pass class NoSubvolumeError(Error): def __init__(self): print("ERROR - Snapshot not found" ) pass class SSHConnectionError(Error): def __init__(self): print("ERROR - ssh-connection not available" ) pass def s2bool(s): return s.lower() in ['true','yes','y','1'] if s else False # quote awk-argument in ssh-command def quote_argument(argument): return '"%s"' % ( argument .replace('\\', '\\\\') .replace('"', '\\"') .replace('$', '\\$') .replace('`', '\\`') ) def connect(conn=None): if conn == None: pass else: if not conn['active']: try: #if conn['conn'].is_active(): print("Session alive") #conn['conn'].close() conn['conn'].connect(conn['host'],conn['port'],conn['user'],auth_timeout=10) conn['active'] = True #print("open connection for %s@%s" % (conn['user'], conn['host'])) # except (paramiko.BadHostKeyException, # paramiko.AuthenticationException, paramiko.SSHException, # socket.gaierror, socket.error) as e: # #print("C",e) # #raise e # print("No connection to host %s" % (conn['host'])) # return(False) # except (paramiko.BadHostKeyException, paramiko.AuthenticationException, paramiko.SSHException, socket.error) as e: # raise e except: return(False) return(True) raise SSHConnectionError else: return(True) # try: # #if conn['conn'].is_active(): print("Session alive") # conn['conn'].close() # conn['conn'].connect(conn['host'],conn['port'],conn['user']) # print("open connection for %s@%s" % (conn['user'], conn['host'])) # except (paramiko.BadHostKeyException, paramiko.AuthenticationException, paramiko.SSHException, socket.error) as e: # print("C",e) # raise e class MountInfo(): def __init__(self,mountinfo='/proc/self/mountinfo',conn=None): self.mi = dict() if conn == None: mif = open(mountinfo) else: if connect(conn): #conn['conn'].connect(conn['host'],conn['port'],conn['user']) sftp_client = conn['conn'].open_sftp() mif = else: print("Host not reachable (MountInfo): %s" % (conn['host'])) mif = open(mountinfo) try: for line in mif: if len(line.split()) == 10: a,b,c,relpath,mntp,d,typ,fstype,dev,opts = line.split() else: a,b,c,relpath,mntp,d,e,typ,fstype,dev,opts = line.split() mntp = mntp.replace('\\040',' ') self.mi[mntp] = dict() self.mi[mntp]['relpath'] = relpath self.mi[mntp]['typ'] = typ self.mi[mntp]['fstype'] = fstype self.mi[mntp]['dev'] = dev self.mi[mntp]['opts'] = opts finally: mif.close() def __check(self,mountpoint,attribute): if not mountpoint[0] == '/': raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), mountpoint) mp = mountpoint.rstrip('/')if len(mountpoint) > 1 else mountpoint rec = False rep = '' if os.path.exists(mp): try: rp = self.mi[mp][attribute] rep = mp except: rec = True a,rep,rp = self.__check(os.path.dirname(mp),attribute) return [rec,rep,rp] else: raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), mp) def relpath(self,mountpoint): rec,rep,mp = self.__check(mountpoint,'relpath') #print(mountpoint,rec,rep,mp) if rec: return mp.replace(rep,'') + mountpoint return mp def fstype(self,mountpoint): return self.__check(mountpoint,'fstype')[2] def typ(self,mountpoint): return self.__check(mountpoint,'typ')[2] def device(self,mountpoint): return self.__check(mountpoint,'dev')[2] class MyConfigParser(ConfigParser): comment = """replace get in Configparser to give the default-option, if a section doesn't exist, and option exists in default""" def get(self, section, option, **kw): try: return ConfigParser.get(self, section, option, raw=True) except: return ConfigParser.get(self, 'DEFAULT', option, raw=True) class Myos(): def __init__(self,dry=False): self.dry = dry pass def __run__(self,command,conn=None): if not conn == None: if connect(conn): out='' stdin, stdout, stderr = conn['conn'].exec_command(command) for line in stdout: out += line return(out) else: print("Host not reachable (Myos): %s" % (conn['host'])) def stat(self,path,conn=None): if not conn == None: command='/usr/bin/stat' return(self.__run__(command,conn)) else: return os.stat(path) def path_isdir(self,path,conn=None): #print("myos.path",os.path.exists(path)) if not conn == None: command='/bin/test -d %s' % (path) return(self.__run__(command,conn)) else: # print("is local dir %s" % (path)) return os.path.isdir(path) def path_isfile(self,path,conn=None): if not conn == None: command='/bin/test -f %s' % (path) return(self.__run__(command,conn)) else: # print("is local file %s" % (path)) return os.path.isfile(path) def path_realpath(self,path,conn=None): #print("myos.path",os.path.exists(path)) if not conn == None: command='/usr/bin/realpath %s' % (path) return(self.__run__(command,conn)) else: # print("local realpath for %s" % (path)) return os.path.realpath(path) def path_exists(self,path,conn=None): #print("myos.path",os.path.exists(path)) if not conn == None: command='/bin/test -e %s' % (path) return(self.__run__(command,conn)) else: # print("exists-local %s" % (path)) return os.path.exists(path) def remove(self,path,conn=None): if self.dry == True: print('Remove %s (dry run)' % (path)) return else: if not conn == None: command='/bin/rm %s' % (path) return(self.__run__(command,conn)) else: # print("remove-local %s" % (path)) return os.remove(path) def rename(self,From,To,conn=None): if self.dry == True: print('Rename %s to %s (dry run)' % (From,To)) return else: if not conn == None: # print("RENAME",From,To,conn['host']) command='/bin/mv %s %s' % (From,To) return(self.__run__(command,conn)) else: # print("rename-local %s %s" % (From,To)) return os.rename(From,To) def path_islink(self,path,conn=None): if not conn == None: command='/bin/test -h %s' % (path) return(self.__run__(command,conn)) else: return os.path.islink(path) def listdir(self,path,conn=None): if not conn == None: command='/bin/ls %s' % (path) return(self.__run__(command,conn)) else: return os.listdir(path) class Config(): def __init__(self,cfile='/etc/mkbackup-btrfs.conf'): self.cfile = cfile #self.config = ConfigParser() self.config = MyConfigParser() #self.hostname = subprocess.check_output("/bin/hostname",shell=True).decode('utf8').split('\n')[0] self.hostname=socket.gethostname() self.mountinfo = MountInfo() self.syssubvol = self.mountinfo.relpath('/')[1:] #self.syssubvol=subprocess.check_output(['/usr/bin/grub-mkrelpath','/'], shell=False).decode('utf8').split("\n")[0].strip("/") self.ssh = dict() self.ssh_cons = dict() #if os.path.exists(self.cfile): if Myos().path_exists(self.cfile): pass #print('OK') else: print('Default-Config created at %s' % (self.cfile)) self.CreateConfig() self._read() for i in self.ListIntervals() +['DEFAULT']: self.ssh[i] = dict() for s in ['SRC', 'SNP', 'BKP']: #print('X',self.getSSHLogin(s,i)) self.ssh[i][s] = dict() if self.getSSHLogin(s,i) != None: c,x,p,uh = self.getSSHLogin(s,i).strip().split(' ') u,h = uh.split('@') if not uh in self.ssh_cons: self.ssh_cons[uh] = paramiko.SSHClient() self.ssh_cons[uh].set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) #self.ssh_cons[uh].connect(h, int(p), u) #self.ssh[i][s]['conn'] = uh self.ssh[i][s]['conn'] = self.ssh_cons[uh] self.ssh[i][s]['host'] = h self.ssh[i][s]['port'] = int(p) self.ssh[i][s]['user'] = u self.ssh[i][s]['creds'] = (h, int(p), u) self.ssh[i][s]['active'] = False else: self.ssh[i][s] = None def _read(self): csup = dict() #for each dropin-file a csup = config-superseed-dict-entry #self.config = ConfigParser() self.csupdir = self.cfile+'.d' if os.path.exists(str(self.csupdir)) and os.path.isdir(str(self.csupdir)): for csuplst in os.listdir(self.csupdir): if csuplst.endswith('.conf'): csup[csuplst] = ConfigParser() csup[csuplst].read(self.csupdir+'/'+csuplst) # first superseed defaults for i in sorted(csup.keys()): # Set Options for j in ['DEFAULT']: for k in csup[i].defaults() if j == 'DEFAULT' else csup[i].options(j): if self.config.has_section(j) or j == 'DEFAULT': if k == 'ignore': # only attend pattern on option 'ignore' orig = self.config.get(j,k) + ',' if self.config.has_option(j,k) else '' elif k == 'description': # only attend pattern on option 'description' #orig = self.config.get(j,k) if self.config.has_option(j,k) else '' orig = '' else: # if option is not ignore, do the same as without # +, but remove + as first character orig = '' self.config.set(j,k,orig + re.sub('^\+','',csup[i].get(j,k))) #self.config.set(j,k,re.sub('^\+*','',csup[i].get(j,k))) else: # add section self.config.add_section(j) for k in csup[i].options(j): # add option to new section self.config.set(j,k,re.sub('^\+','',csup[i].get(j,k))) # second superseed normal options for i in sorted(csup.keys()): for j in csup[i].sections(): for k in csup[i].defaults() if j == 'DEFAULT' else csup[i].options(j): if self.config.has_section(j) or j == 'DEFAULT': if k == 'ignore': # only attend pattern on option 'ignore' orig = self.config.get(j,k) + ',' if self.config.has_option(j,k) else '' elif k == 'description': # only attend pattern on option 'description' #print(self.config.get(j,k)) orig = self.config.get(j,k) if self.config.has_option(j,k) else '' else: # if option is not ignore, do the same as without # +, but remove + as first character orig = '' self.config.set(j,k,orig + re.sub('^\+','',csup[i].get(j,k))) else: # add section self.config.add_section(j) for k in csup[i].options(j): # add option to new section self.config.set(j,k,re.sub('^\+','',csup[i].get(j,k))) # If directory, where mkbackup-btrfs is started from, is one of SNP or # BKP, set SRC to the configured path and store psrc = os.getcwd() if '/'+psrc.strip('/') == self.getMountPath('SNP')[1]: #print("A",self.getMountPath('SNP')) self.config.set('DEFAULT','SRC', ' '.join(self.getMountPath('SNP'))) self.config.set('DEFAULT','srcstore', self.getStoreName('SNP')) elif '/'+psrc.strip('/') == self.getMountPath('SNP')[1]+'/'+self.getStoreName('SNP'): #print("B") self.config.set('DEFAULT','SRC', ' '.join(self.getMountPath('SNP'))) self.config.set('DEFAULT','srcstore', self.getStoreName('SNP')) elif '/'+psrc.strip('/') == self.getMountPath('BKP')[1]+'/'+self.getStoreName('BKP'): #print("C") self.config.set('DEFAULT','SRC', ' '.join(self.getMountPath('BKP'))) self.config.set('DEFAULT','srcstore', self.getStoreName('BKP')) elif '/'+psrc.strip('/') == self.getMountPath('BKP')[1]: #print("D") self.config.set('DEFAULT','SRC', ' '.join(self.getMountPath('BKP'))) self.config.set('DEFAULT','srcstore', self.getStoreName('BKP')) else: #print("E") self.config.set('DEFAULT','SRC', psrc) self.config.set('DEFAULT','srcstore', '') # for i in self.config.sections(): # print('XX[%s]' %(i)) # for j in self.config.options(i): # print("XX"+j+' = ',self.__trnName(self.config.get(i,j))) # print('') def getssh(self,tag,store): tg = tag if tag in self.ssh else 'DEFAULT' return(self.ssh[tg][store]) def getSsh(self,tag): tg = tag if tag in self.ssh else 'DEFAULT' return(self.ssh[tg]) def CreateConfig(self): self.config['DEFAULT'] = { 'Description': "Erstellt ein Backup", 'SNPMNT': '/var/cache/btrfs_pool_SYSTEM', 'BKPMNT': '/var/cache/backup', 'snpstore': '', 'bkpstore': '$h', 'volumes': '$S,__ALWAYSCURRENT__', 'interval': 5, 'symlink': 'LAST', 'transfer': False, 'notification': None, 'notification_urgency': None} self.config['hourly'] = {'volumes': '$S,__ALWAYSCURRENT__','interval': '24','transfer': True} self.config['daily'] = {'volumes': '$S,__ALWAYSCURRENT__','interval': '7','transfer': True} self.config['weekly'] = {'volumes': '$S,__ALWAYSCURRENT__','interval': '5','transfer': True} self.config['monthly'] = {'volumes': '$S,__ALWAYSCURRENT__','interval': '12','transfer': True} self.config['yearly'] = {'volumes': '$S,__ALWAYSCURRENT__','interval': '7','transfer': True} self.config['afterboot'] = {'volumes': '$S','interval': '4','symlink': 'LASTBOOT'} self.config['aptupgrade'] = {'volumes': '$S','interval': '6','symlink': 'BEFOREUPDATE'} self.config['dmin'] = {'volumes': '$S,__ALWAYSCURRENT__','interval': '6'} self.config['plugin'] = {'volumes': '$S,__ALWAYSCURRENT__','interval': '5','transfer': True, 'notification': 'desktop', 'notification_urgency': 1} self.config['manually'] = {'volumes': '$S,__ALWAYSCURRENT__','interval': '5','symlink': 'MANUALLY', 'transfer': True, 'notification': 'desktop', 'notification_urgency': 2} with open(self.cfile, 'w') as configfile: try: self.config.write(configfile) except: exit("Failure during creation of config-file") return(self.config) def PrintConfig(self,tag=None,of=None): if tag == None: seclist = self.config.sections() else: seclist = [tag] out = list() if tag == None: out.append('[DEFAULT]') for j in self.config.defaults(): out.append("%s = %s" % (j,self.__trnName(self.config.get('DEFAULT',j)))) out.append('') #for i in self.config.sections() if tag == None else [tag]: for i in seclist: out.append('[%s]' %(i)) for j in self.config.options(i): out.append("%s = %s" % (j,self.__trnName(self.config.get(i,j)))) out.append('') if of != None: with open(of, 'w') as f: try: f.write('\n'.join(out)) except: raise exit("Failure during creation of tmp-config-file") else: print('\n'.join(out)) def ListIntervals(self): LST = [] for i in self.config.sections(): LST.append(i) LST.append('misc') return(LST) def ListIntervalsFull(self): #self._read() LST = [] for i in self.config.sections(): LST.append(i+': '+str(self.config.get(i,'interval'))) LST.append('misc: '+str(self.config.get(i,'interval'))) return(LST) def ListSymlinkNames(self): #self._read() LST = [] for i in self.config.sections(): LST.append(self.config.get(i,'symlink')) return(list(set(LST))) def getMountPath(self, store='SRC', tag='DEFAULT', shlogin=False, original=True): if store == 'SRC': path = self.config.get(tag,'SRC') elif store == 'SNP': path = self.config.get(tag,'SNPMNT') elif store == 'BKP': path = self.config.get(tag,'BKPMNT') else: print("EE - getMountPath: store %s is not allowed (%s) set path to SRC" % (store,tag)) path = self.config.get('DEFAULT','SRC') #print('PATH',tag,path) _ssh = path.split(':') if len(_ssh) == 1: path = _ssh[0] SSH = None elif len(_ssh) == 2: userhost,path = _ssh port = '22' SSH = [userhost,port] elif len(_ssh) == 3: userhost,port,path = _ssh SSH = [userhost,port] if shlogin: return(SSH) else: if original: sshout = '' if SSH != None: sshout=':'.join(SSH)+':' return(sshout+'/'+path.strip('/')) else: return('/'+path.strip('/')) # avoid deleting of / - but it's buggy, so return above is inserted if '/'+path.strip('/') != "/": return('/'+path.strip('/')) else: return(None) def getSSHLogin(self,store='SRC',tag='DEFAULT'): if self.getMountPath(store=store,tag=tag,shlogin=True) is None: return(None) else: uh,p = self.getMountPath(store=store,tag=tag,shlogin=True) return('ssh -p %s %s ' % (p,uh)) def getStoreName(self,store='SRC',tag='DEFAULT'): if store == 'SRC': try: path = self.config.get(tag,'srcstore').strip('/') except: path = self.config.get('DEFAULT','srcstore').strip('/') elif store == 'SNP': try: path = self.__trnName(self.config.get(tag,'snpstore').strip('/')) except: path = self.__trnName(self.config.get('DEFAULT','snpstore').strip('/')) elif store == 'BKP': try: path = self.__trnName(self.config.get(tag,'bkpstore').strip('/')) except: path = self.__trnName(self.config.get('DEFAULT','bkpstore').strip('/')) if '/'+path.strip('/') != "/": return(path.strip('/')) else: return('') def getStorePath(self,store='SRC',tag='DEFAULT',original=False): sn = '/'+self.getStoreName(store=store,tag=tag) if len(self.getStoreName(store=store,tag=tag)) > 0 else '' return(self.getMountPath(store=store,tag=tag,original=original) + sn) def cmdsh(self,tag='DEFAULT',store='SRC',cmd=''): if self.getssh(tag,store) == None: return('',subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True).decode(),'') else: out = '' conn = self.getssh(tag,store) connect(conn) return conn['conn'].exec_command(cmd) def remotecommand(self,tag='DEFAULT',store='SRC',cmd='',stderr=None): if self.getssh(tag,store) == None: #print("noconn") try: ret =,stderr=stderr,stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if ret.returncode > 0: pass except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise return ret.stdout.decode("utf-8").rstrip('/n') else: #print("conn",self.ssh[tag][store]['host']) out = '' conn = self.getssh(tag,store) if connect(conn): stdin, stdout, stderr = conn['conn'].exec_command(' '.join(cmd)) if not stdout: #print("Xr") out = stdout.readlines() err = stderr.readlines() return(''.join(out) if len(err) == 0 else False) else: #print("Yr","utf-8")) return("utf-8")) else: print("Host not reachable (remcomd): %s" % (conn['host'])) return('') def getDevice(self,store='SRC',tag='DEFAULT'): mp = self.getMountPath(store=store,tag=tag,original=False) conn = self.getssh(tag,store) connect(conn) mi = MountInfo(conn=conn) amount=mi.fstype(mp) if mi.fstype(mp) == 'autofs': try: Myos().stat(self.getStorePath(store=store,tag=tag),conn=conn) except: Myos().stat(os.path.dirname(self.getStorePath(store=store,tag=tag)),conn=conn) mi = MountInfo(conn=self.getssh(tag,store)) return(mi.device(mp) if mi.fstype(mp) != 'autofs' else None) def getUUID(self,store='SRC',tag='DEFAULT'): try: device = self.getDevice(store=store,tag=tag) except FileNotFoundError: #print("UID_NOENT") #raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), store + " " + tag) raise except: return None #print("DEVICE",device,store,tag) if device == None: return None cmd = ['/sbin/blkid', device.rstrip("\n"), '-o', 'value', '-s', 'UUID'] uuid = self.remotecommand(tag,store,cmd) #print("UUID",uuid,store,tag,' '.join(cmd)) return uuid.rstrip('\n') if uuid.rstrip('\n') != '' else None def setBKPPath(self,mount): #self._read() self.config['DEFAULT']['BKPMNT'] = mount def setBKPStore(self,store): #self._read() self.config['DEFAULT']['bkpstore'] = store def setSNPPath(self,mount): #self._read() self.config['DEFAULT']['SNPMNT'] = mount def setSNPStore(self,store): #self._read() self.config['DEFAULT']['snpstore'] = store def getInterval(self,intv='misc'): #self._read() try: return(self.config.get(intv,'interval')) except: return(self.config.get('DEFAULT','interval')) def getTransfer(self,intv='misc'): #self._read() try: return(s2bool(self.config.get(intv,'transfer'))) except: return(s2bool(self.config.get('DEFAULT','transfer'))) def getSymLink(self,intv='misc'): #self._read() try: return(self.config.get(intv,'symlink')) except: return(self.config.get('DEFAULT','symlink')) def getIsDefault(self,intv='misc'): #self._read() try: self.config.get(intv,'interval') return(intv) except: return('default') def getVolumes(self,tag='default'): #self._read() VOLSTRANS = [] try: VOLS = self.config.get(tag,'volumes') except: VOLS = self.config.get('DEFAULT','volumes') for vol in VOLS.split(','): VOLSTRANS.append(self.__trnName(vol)) return(VOLSTRANS) def ListIntVolumes(self): #self._read() VOLSTRANS = [] for intv in self.ListIntervals(): try: VOLS = self.config.get(intv,'volumes') except: VOLS = self.config.get('DEFAULT','volumes') VOLS = VOLS.split(',') for i, item in enumerate(VOLS): VOLS[i] = self.__trnName(item) VOLSTRANS.append('\t'+intv+': '+' '.join(VOLS)) return(VOLSTRANS) def getIgnores(self,intv='misc'): try: r = self.config.get(intv,'ignore') except: try: r = self.config.get('DEFAULT','ignore') except: r=None return(None if r == '' or r == None else r) def getNotification(self,intv='misc'): #print('GN',intv) try: r = self.config.get(intv,'notification') except: try: r = self.config.get('DEFAULT','notification') except: r=None return(None if r == '' or r == None else r) def getUrgency(self,intv='misc'): #print('GU',intv) try: r = self.config.get(intv,'notification_urgency') except: try: r = self.config.get('DEFAULT','notification_urgency') except: r=None return(None if r == '' or r == None else r) def __trnName(self,short): ret = list() for sh in short.split(','): if sh == "$S": ret.append(self.syssubvol) elif sh == "$h": ret.append(self.hostname) else: ret.append(sh) return(','.join(ret))