""" Enforce git-shell to only serve allowed by access control policy. directory. The client should refer to them without any extra directory prefix. Repository names are forced to match ALLOW_RE. """ import logging import sys, os, re from gitosis import access from gitosis import repository from gitosis import gitweb from gitosis import gitdaemon from gitosis import app from gitosis import util log = logging.getLogger('gitosis.serve') ALLOW_RE = re.compile("^'/*(?P[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9@._-]*(/[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9@._-]*)*)'$") COMMANDS_READONLY = [ 'git-upload-pack', 'git upload-pack', 'git-upload-archive', 'git upload-archive', ] COMMANDS_WRITE = [ 'git-receive-pack', 'git receive-pack', ] class ServingError(Exception): """Serving error""" def __str__(self): return '%s' % self.__doc__ class CommandMayNotContainNewlineError(ServingError): """Command may not contain newline""" class UnknownCommandError(ServingError): """Unknown command denied""" class UnsafeArgumentsError(ServingError): """Arguments to command look dangerous""" class AccessDenied(ServingError): """Access denied to repository""" class WriteAccessDenied(AccessDenied): """Repository write access denied""" class ReadAccessDenied(AccessDenied): """Repository read access denied""" def serve( cfg, user, command, ): if '\n' in command: raise CommandMayNotContainNewlineError() try: verb, args = command.split(None, 1) except ValueError: # all known "git-foo" commands take one argument; improve # if/when needed raise UnknownCommandError() if verb == 'git': try: subverb, args = args.split(None, 1) except ValueError: # all known "git foo" commands take one argument; improve # if/when needed raise UnknownCommandError() verb = '%s %s' % (verb, subverb) if (verb not in COMMANDS_WRITE and verb not in COMMANDS_READONLY): raise UnknownCommandError() match = ALLOW_RE.match(args) if match is None: raise UnsafeArgumentsError() path = match.group('path') # write access is always sufficient newpath = access.haveAccess( config=cfg, user=user, mode='writable', path=path) if newpath is None: # didn't have write access; try once more with the popular # misspelling newpath = access.haveAccess( config=cfg, user=user, mode='writeable', path=path) if newpath is not None: log.warning( 'Repository %r config has typo "writeable", ' +'should be "writable"', path, ) if newpath is None: # didn't have write access newpath = access.haveAccess( config=cfg, user=user, mode='readonly', path=path) if newpath is None: raise ReadAccessDenied() if verb in COMMANDS_WRITE: # didn't have write access and tried to write raise WriteAccessDenied() (topdir, relpath) = newpath assert not relpath.endswith('.git'), \ 'git extension should have been stripped: %r' % relpath repopath = '%s.git' % relpath fullpath = os.path.join(topdir, repopath) if not os.path.exists(fullpath): # it doesn't exist on the filesystem, but the configuration # refers to it, we're serving a write request, and the user is # authorized to do that: create the repository on the fly # create leading directories p = topdir for segment in repopath.split(os.sep)[:-1]: p = os.path.join(p, segment) util.mkdir(p, 0750) repository.init(path=fullpath) gitweb.set_descriptions( config=cfg, ) generated = util.getGeneratedFilesDir(config=cfg) gitweb.generate_project_list( config=cfg, path=os.path.join(generated, 'projects.list'), ) gitdaemon.set_export_ok( config=cfg, ) # put the verb back together with the new path newcmd = "%(verb)s '%(path)s'" % dict( verb=verb, path=fullpath, ) return newcmd class Main(app.App): def create_parser(self): parser = super(Main, self).create_parser() parser.set_usage('%prog [OPTS] USER') parser.set_description( 'Allow restricted git operations under DIR') return parser def handle_args(self, parser, cfg, options, args): try: (user,) = args except ValueError: parser.error('Missing argument USER.') main_log = logging.getLogger('gitosis.serve.main') os.umask(0022) cmd = os.environ.get('SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND', None) if cmd is None: main_log.error('Need SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND in environment.') sys.exit(1) main_log.debug('Got command %(cmd)r' % dict( cmd=cmd, )) os.chdir(os.path.expanduser('~')) try: newcmd = serve( cfg=cfg, user=user, command=cmd, ) except ServingError, e: main_log.error('%s', e) sys.exit(1) main_log.debug('Serving %s', newcmd) os.environ['GITOSIS_USER'] = user os.execvp('git', ['git', 'shell', '-c', newcmd]) main_log.error('Cannot execute git-shell.') sys.exit(1)