5.3, not certain how to code around it for unit tests // case PREG_BAD_UTF8_OFFSET_ERROR: echo('PREG_BAD_UTF8_OFFSET_ERROR'); break; default: //die("Unknown preg error."); return; } echo "

	private function _push_stack() {
		$this->stack[] = array($this->r, $this->nodes);

	private function _pop_stack() {
		list($this->r, $this->nodes) = array_pop($this->stack);

	private function _get_var($name, $retNoKey = false) {
		$keys = array_map('trim', explode(".", $name));
		if ($retNoKey && !array_key_exists($keys[0], $this->r))
			return KEY_NOT_EXISTS;
		$val = $this->r;
		foreach ($keys as $k) {
			$val = (isset($val[$k]) ? $val[$k] : null);
		return $val;

	 * IF node
	 * {{ if <$var> }}...[{{ else }} ...] {{ endif }}
	 * {{ if <$var>== }}...[{{ else }} ...]{{ endif }}
	 * {{ if <$var>!= }}...[{{ else }} ...]{{ endif }}
	private function _replcb_if ($args) {
		if (strpos($args[2], "==") > 0) {
			list($a, $b) = array_map("trim", explode("==", $args[2]));
			$a = $this->_get_var($a);
			if ($b[0] == "$")
				$b = $this->_get_var($b);
			$val = ($a == $b);
		} else if (strpos($args[2], "!=") > 0) {
			list($a, $b) = array_map("trim", explode("!=", $args[2]));
			$a = $this->_get_var($a);
			if ($b[0] == "$")
				$b = $this->_get_var($b);
			$val = ($a != $b);
		} else {
			$val = $this->_get_var($args[2]);
		$x = preg_split("|{{ *else *}}|", $args[3]);
		return ( $val ? $x[0] : (isset($x[1]) ? $x[1] : ""));

	 * FOR node
	 * {{ for <$var> as $name }}...{{ endfor }}
	 * {{ for <$var> as $key=>$name }}...{{ endfor }}
	private function _replcb_for($args) {
		$m = array_map('trim', explode(" as ", $args[2]));
		$x = explode("=>", $m[1]);
		if (count($x) == 1) {
			$varname = $x[0];
			$keyname = "";
		} else {
			list($keyname, $varname) = $x;
		if ($m[0] == "" || $varname == "" || is_null($varname))
			die("template error: 'for " . $m[0] . " as " . $varname . "'");
		//$vals = $this->r[$m[0]];
		$vals = $this->_get_var($m[0]);
		$ret = "";
		if (!is_array($vals))
			return $ret;
		foreach ($vals as $k => $v) {
			$r = $this->r;
			$r[$varname] = $v;
			if ($keyname != '')
				$r[$keyname] = (($k === 0) ? '0' : $k);
			$ret .= $this->replace($args[3], $r);
		return $ret;

	 * INC node
	 * {{ inc  [with $var1=$var2] }}{{ endinc }}
	private function _replcb_inc($args) {
		if (strpos($args[2], "with")) {
			list($tplfile, $newctx) = array_map('trim', explode("with", $args[2]));
		} else {
			$tplfile = trim($args[2]);
			$newctx = null;

		if ($tplfile[0] == "$")
			$tplfile = $this->_get_var($tplfile);

		$r = $this->r;
		if (!is_null($newctx)) {
			list($a, $b) = array_map('trim', explode("=", $newctx));
			$r[$a] = $this->_get_var($b);
		$this->nodes = Array();
		$tpl = get_markup_template($tplfile);
		$ret = $this->replace($tpl, $r);
		return $ret;

	 * DEBUG node
	 * {{ debug $var [$var [$var [...]]] }}{{ enddebug }}
	 * replace node with 
var_dump($var, $var, ...);
*/ private function _replcb_debug($args) { $vars = array_map('trim', explode(" ", $args[2])); $vars[] = $args[1]; $ret = "
		foreach ($vars as $var) {
			$ret .= htmlspecialchars(var_export($this->_get_var($var), true));
			$ret .= "\n";
		$ret .= "
"; return $ret; } private function _replcb_node($m) { $node = $this->nodes[$m[1]]; if (method_exists($this, "_replcb_" . $node[1])) { $s = call_user_func(array($this, "_replcb_" . $node[1]), $node); } else { $s = ""; } $s = preg_replace_callback('/\|\|([0-9]+)\|\|/', array($this, "_replcb_node"), $s); return $s; } private function _replcb($m) { //var_dump(array_map('htmlspecialchars', $m)); $this->done = false; $this->nodes[] = (array) $m; return "||" . (count($this->nodes) - 1) . "||"; } private function _build_nodes($s) { $this->done = false; while (!$this->done) { $this->done = true; $s = preg_replace_callback('|{{ *([a-z]*) *([^}]*)}}([^{]*({{ *else *}}[^{]*)?){{ *end\1 *}}|', array($this, "_replcb"), $s); if ($s == Null) $this->_preg_error(); } //({{ *else *}}[^{]*)? krsort($this->nodes); return $s; } private function var_replace($s) { $m = array(); /** regexp: * \$ literal $ * (\[)? optional open square bracket * ([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+\.?)+ var name, followed by optional * dot, repeated at least 1 time * (|[a-zA-Z0-9-_:]+)* pipe followed by filter name and args, zero or many * (?(1)\]) if there was opened square bracket * (subgrup 1), match close bracket */ if (preg_match_all('/\$(\[)?([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+\.?)+(\|[a-zA-Z0-9-_:]+)*(?(1)\])/', $s, $m)) { foreach ($m[0] as $var) { $exp = str_replace(array("[", "]"), array("", ""), $var); $exptks = explode("|", $exp); $varn = $exptks[0]; unset($exptks[0]); $val = $this->_get_var($varn, true); if ($val != KEY_NOT_EXISTS) { /* run filters */ /* * Filter are in form of: * filtername:arg:arg:arg * * "filtername" is function name * "arg"s are optional, var value is appended to the end * if one "arg"==='x' , is replaced with var value * * examples: * $item.body|htmlspecialchars // escape html chars * $item.body|htmlspecialchars|strtoupper // escape html and uppercase result * $item.created|date:%Y %M %j // format date (created is a timestamp) * $item.body|str_replace:cat:dog // replace all "cat" with "dog" * $item.body|str_replace:cat:dog:x:1 // replace one "cat" with "dog" */ foreach ($exptks as $filterstr) { $filter = explode(":", $filterstr); $filtername = $filter[0]; unset($filter[0]); $valkey = array_search("x", $filter); if ($valkey === false) { $filter[] = $val; } else { $filter[$valkey] = $val; } if (function_exists($filtername)) { $val = call_user_func_array($filtername, $filter); } } $s = str_replace($var, $val, $s); } } } return $s; } // TemplateEngine interface public function replace_macros($s, $r) { $this->r = $r; // remove comments block $s = preg_replace('/{#(.*?\s*?)*?#}/', "", $s); $s = $this->_build_nodes($s); $s = preg_replace_callback('/\|\|([0-9]+)\|\|/', array($this, "_replcb_node"), $s); if ($s == Null) $this->_preg_error(); // replace strings recursively (limit to 10 loops) $os = ""; $count = 0; while ($os != $s && $count < 10) { $os = $s; $count++; $s = $this->var_replace($s); } return template_unescape($s); } public function get_template_file($file, $root='') { $a = get_app(); $template_file = get_template_file($a, $file, $root); $content = file_get_contents($template_file); return $content; } } function template_escape($s) { return str_replace(array('$', '{{'), array('!_Doll^Ars1Az_!', '!_DoubLe^BraceS4Rw_!'), $s); } function template_unescape($s) { return str_replace(array('!_Doll^Ars1Az_!', '!_DoubLe^BraceS4Rw_!'), array('$', '{{'), $s); }