- $moduleName is part of the argument string => App\Arguments
- $isBackend boolean already part of App\Mode::isBackend()
- $module is now the direct return of App\Router::getModule()
- ModuleController::run() moved to BaseModule::run()
- Fix InstallerTest case
- Fix native function mocking
- Add returntype for Unit-Tests
- Fixing ExtendedPDO test troubles
- Fix wrong class inheritance path for DatabaseTestTrait.php
- Fix SyslogLogger Server Exception for PHP8
- Add user/contact to database.fixture.php
- Avoid invalid rollbacks for test setup in PHP8
- New Configuration (Config is now only holding the instance)
- New PConfiguration (PConfig is now only holding the instance)
- Config & PConfig-Adapter don't need "ConfigCache" anymore
- DB-Connection is now outside App->reload() for better dependency-chaining
- Changing from static methods to public methods
- Adding dev-composer-dependency Mockery for static method mocking (f.e. Config, DBA)
- Adding ModeTest with Mocking
- removing bootstrap from phpunit.xml because of double loading tests\bootstrap.php