2011-06-13 12:52:29 +02:00
< ? php
* Friendika admin
function admin_init ( & $a ) {
if ( ! is_site_admin ()) {
notice ( t ( 'Permission denied.' ) . EOL );
return ;
2011-06-13 18:03:06 +02:00
function admin_post ( & $a ){
if ( ! is_site_admin ()) {
return login ( false );
// urls
if ( $a -> argc > 1 ){
switch ( $a -> argv [ 1 ]){
case 'site' : {
admin_page_site_post ( $a );
break ;
goaway ( $a -> get_baseurl () . '/admin' );
return ; // NOTREACHED
2011-06-13 12:52:29 +02:00
function admin_content ( & $a ) {
if ( ! is_site_admin ()) {
return login ( false );
* Side bar links
// array( url, name, extra css classes )
$aside = Array (
'site' => Array ( $a -> get_baseurl () . " /admin/site/ " , t ( " Site " ) , " site " ),
'users' => Array ( $a -> get_baseurl () . " /admin/users/ " , t ( " Users " ) , " users " ),
'plugins' => Array ( $a -> get_baseurl () . " /admin/plugins/ " , t ( " Plugins " ) , " plugins " )
/* get plugins admin page */
$r = q ( " SELECT * FROM `hook` WHERE `hook`='plugin_admin' " );
$aside [ 'plugins_admin' ] = Array ();
foreach ( $r as $h ){
$plugin = explode ( " / " , $h [ 'file' ]); $plugin = $plugin [ 1 ];
$aside [ 'plugins_admin' ][] = Array ( $a -> get_baseurl () . " /admin/plugins/ " . $plugin , $plugin , " plugin " );
$aside [ 'logs' ] = Array ( $a -> get_baseurl () . " /admin/logs/ " , t ( " Logs " ), " logs " );
$t = get_markup_template ( " admin_aside.tpl " );
2011-06-13 18:03:06 +02:00
$a -> page [ 'aside' ] = replace_macros ( $t , array (
'$admin' => $aside ,
'$admurl' => $a -> get_baseurl () . " /admin/ "
2011-06-13 12:52:29 +02:00
* Page content
$o = '' ;
// urls
if ( $a -> argc > 1 ){
switch ( $a -> argv [ 1 ]){
case 'site' : {
$o = admin_page_site ( $a );
break ;
default :
notice ( t ( " Item not found. " ) );
} else {
$o = admin_page_summary ( $a );
return $o ;
* Admin Summary Page
function admin_page_summary ( & $a ) {
$r = q ( " SELECT `page-flags`, COUNT(uid) as `count` FROM `user` GROUP BY `page-flags` " );
$accounts = Array (
Array ( t ( 'Normal Account' ), 0 ),
Array ( t ( 'Soapbox Account' ), 0 ),
Array ( t ( 'Community/Celebrity Account' ), 0 ),
Array ( t ( 'Automatic Friend Account' ), 0 )
$users = 0 ;
foreach ( $r as $u ){ $accounts [ $u [ 'page-flags' ]][ 1 ] = $u [ 'count' ]; $users += $u [ 'count' ]; }
$r = q ( " SELECT COUNT(id) as `count` FROM `register` " );
$pending = $r [ 0 ][ 'count' ];
$t = get_markup_template ( " admin_summary.tpl " );
return replace_macros ( $t , array (
'$title' => t ( 'Administration' ),
'$page' => t ( 'Summary' ),
'$users' => Array ( t ( 'Registered users' ), $users ),
'$accounts' => $accounts ,
'$pending' => Array ( t ( 'Pending registrations' ), $pending ),
'$version' => Array ( t ( 'Version' ), FRIENDIKA_VERSION ),
'$build' => get_config ( 'system' , 'build' ),
'$plugins' => Array ( t ( 'Active plugins' ), $a -> plugins )
2011-06-13 18:03:06 +02:00
* Admin Site Page
function admin_page_site_post ( & $a ){
if ( ! x ( $_POST , " page_site " )){
return ;
$sitename = (( x ( $_POST , 'sitename' )) ? notags ( trim ( $_POST [ 'sitename' ])) : '' );
$banner = (( x ( $_POST , 'banner' )) ? trim ( $_POST [ 'banner' ]) : false );
$language = (( x ( $_POST , 'language' )) ? notags ( trim ( $_POST [ 'language' ])) : '' );
$theme = (( x ( $_POST , 'theme' )) ? notags ( trim ( $_POST [ 'theme' ])) : '' );
$maximagesize = (( x ( $_POST , 'maximagesize' )) ? intval ( trim ( $_POST [ 'maximagesize' ])) : 0 );
$allowed_sites = (( x ( $_POST , 'allowed_sites' )) ? notags ( trim ( $_POST [ 'allowed_sites' ])) : '' );
$allowed_email = (( x ( $_POST , 'allowed_email' )) ? notags ( trim ( $_POST [ 'allowed_email' ])) : '' );
$block_public = (( x ( $_POST , 'block_public' )) ? True : False );
$force_publish = (( x ( $_POST , 'publish_all' )) ? True : False );
$global_directory = (( x ( $_POST , 'directory_submit_url' )) ? notags ( trim ( $_POST [ 'directory_submit_url' ])) : '' );
$global_search_url = (( x ( $_POST , 'directory_search_url' )) ? notags ( trim ( $_POST [ 'directory_search_url' ])) : '' );
$no_multi_reg = (( x ( $_POST , 'no_multi_reg' )) ? True : False );
$no_openid = (( x ( $_POST , 'no_openid' )) ? True : False );
$no_gravatar = (( x ( $_POST , 'no_gravatar' )) ? True : False );
$no_regfullname = (( x ( $_POST , 'no_regfullname' )) ? True : False );
$no_utf = (( x ( $_POST , 'no_utf' )) ? True : False );
$rino_enc = (( x ( $_POST , 'rino_enc' )) ? True : False );
$verifyssl = (( x ( $_POST , 'verifyssl' )) ? True : False );
$proxyuser = (( x ( $_POST , 'proxyuser' )) ? notags ( trim ( $_POST [ 'global_search_url' ])) : '' );
$proxy = (( x ( $_POST , 'proxy' )) ? notags ( trim ( $_POST [ 'global_search_url' ])) : '' );
2011-06-13 18:29:14 +02:00
$timeout = (( x ( $_POST , 'timeout' )) ? intval ( trim ( $_POST [ 'timeout' ])) : 60 );
2011-06-13 18:03:06 +02:00
$a -> config [ 'sitename' ] = $sitename ;
if ( $banner == " " ){
// don't know why, but del_config doesn't work...
q ( " DELETE FROM `config` WHERE `cat` = '%s' AND `k` = '%s' LIMIT 1 " ,
dbesc ( " system " ),
dbesc ( " banner " )
} else {
set_config ( 'system' , 'banner' , $banner );
set_config ( 'system' , 'language' , $language );
set_config ( 'system' , 'theme' , $theme );
set_config ( 'system' , 'maximagesize' , $maximagesize );
set_config ( 'system' , 'allowed_sites' , $allowed_sites );
set_config ( 'system' , 'allowed_email' , $allowed_email );
set_config ( 'system' , 'block_public' , $block_public );
set_config ( 'system' , 'publish_all' , $force_publish );
if ( $global_directory == " " ){
// don't know why, but del_config doesn't work...
q ( " DELETE FROM `config` WHERE `cat` = '%s' AND `k` = '%s' LIMIT 1 " ,
dbesc ( " system " ),
dbesc ( " directory_submit_url " )
} else {
set_config ( 'system' , 'directory_submit_url' , $global_directory );
set_config ( 'system' , 'directory_search_url' , $global_search_url );
set_config ( 'system' , 'block_extended_register' , $no_multi_reg );
set_config ( 'system' , 'no_openid' , $no_openid );
set_config ( 'system' , 'no_gravatar' , $no_gravatar );
set_config ( 'system' , 'no_regfullname' , $no_regfullname );
set_config ( 'system' , 'proxy' , $no_utf );
set_config ( 'system' , 'rino_encrypt' , $rino_enc );
set_config ( 'system' , 'verifyssl' , $verifyssl );
set_config ( 'system' , 'proxyuser' , $proxyuser );
set_config ( 'system' , 'proxy' , $proxy );
set_config ( 'system' , 'curl_timeout' , $timeout );
$r = q ( " SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE `cat`='config' AND `k`='sitename' " );
if ( count ( $r ) > 0 ){
q ( " UPDATE `config` SET `v`='%s' WHERE `cat`='config' AND `k`='sitename' " ,
dbesc ( $a -> config [ 'sitename' ])
} else {
q ( " INSERT INTO `config` ( `cat`, `k`, `v` ) VALUES ( 'config', 'sitename', '%s' ) " ,
dbesc ( $a -> config [ 'sitename' ])
goaway ( $a -> get_baseurl () . '/admin/site' );
return ; // NOTREACHED
function admin_page_site ( & $a ) {
/* Installed langs */
$lang_choices = array ();
$langs = glob ( 'view/*/strings.php' );
if ( is_array ( $langs ) && count ( $langs )) {
if ( ! in_array ( 'view/en/strings.php' , $langs ))
$langs [] = 'view/en/' ;
asort ( $langs );
foreach ( $langs as $l ) {
$t = explode ( " / " , $l );
$lang_choices [ $t [ 1 ]] = $t [ 1 ];
/* Installed themes */
$theme_choices = array ();
$files = glob ( 'view/theme/*' );
if ( $files ) {
foreach ( $files as $file ) {
$f = basename ( $file );
$theme_name = (( file_exists ( $file . '/experimental' )) ? sprintf ( " %s - \x28 Experimental \x29 " , $f ) : $f );
$theme_choices [ $f ] = $theme_name ;
/* Banner */
$banner = get_config ( 'system' , 'banner' );
if ( $banner == false )
$banner = htmlspecialchars ( '<a href="http://project.friendika.com"><img id="logo-img" src="images/friendika-32.png" alt="logo" /></a><span id="logo-text"><a href="http://project.friendika.com">Friendika</a></span>' );
//echo "<pre>"; var_dump($lang_choices); die("</pre>");
$t = get_markup_template ( " admin_site.tpl " );
return replace_macros ( $t , array (
'$title' => t ( 'Administration' ),
'$page' => t ( 'Site' ),
'$submit' => t ( 'Submit' ),
'$baseurl' => $a -> get_baseurl (),
// name, label, value, help string, extra data...
'$sitename' => array ( 'sitename' , t ( " Site name " ), $a -> config [ 'sitename' ], " " ),
'$banner' => array ( 'banner' , t ( " Banner/Logo " ), $banner , " " ),
'$language' => array ( 'language' , t ( " System language " ), get_config ( 'system' , 'language' ), " " , $lang_choices ),
'$theme' => array ( 'theme' , t ( " System theme " ), get_config ( 'system' , 'theme' ), " Default system theme (which may be over-ridden by user profiles) " , $theme_choices ),
'$maximagesize' => array ( 'maximagesize' , t ( " Maximum image size " ), get_config ( 'system' , 'maximagesize' ), " Maximum size in bytes of uploaded images. Default is 0, which means no limits. " ),
'$allowed_sites' => array ( 'allowed_sites' , t ( " Allowed friend domains " ), get_config ( 'system' , 'allowed_sites' ), " Comma separated list of domains which are allowed to establish friendships with this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any domains " ),
'$allowed_email' => array ( 'allowed_email' , t ( " Allowed email domains " ), get_config ( 'system' , 'allowed_email' ), " Comma separated list of domains which are allowed in email addresses for registrations to this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any domains " ),
'$block_public' => array ( 'block_public' , t ( " Block public " ), get_config ( 'system' , 'block_public' ), " Check to block public access to all otherwise public personal pages on this site unless you are currently logged in. " ),
'$force_publish' => array ( 'publish_all' , t ( " Force publish " ), get_config ( 'system' , 'publish_all' ), " Check to force all profiles on this site to be listed in the site directory. " ),
'$global_directory' => array ( 'directory_submit_url' , t ( " Global directory update URL " ), get_config ( 'system' , 'directory_submit_url' ), " URL to update the global directory. If this is not set, the global directory is completely unavailable to the application. " ),
'$global_search_url' => array ( 'directory_search_url' , t ( " Global directory search URL " ), get_config ( 'system' , 'directory_search_url' ), " " ),
'$no_multi_reg' => array ( 'no_multi_reg' , t ( " Block multiple registrations " ), get_config ( 'system' , 'block_extended_register' ), " Disallow users to register additional accounts for use as pages. " ),
'$no_openid' => array ( 'no_openid' , t ( " No OpenID support " ), get_config ( 'system' , 'no_openid' ), " Disable OpenID support for registration and logins. " ),
'$no_gravatar' => array ( 'no_gravatar' , t ( " No Gravatar support " ), get_config ( 'system' , 'no_gravatar' ), " " ),
'$no_regfullname' => array ( 'no_regfullname' , t ( " No fullname check " ), get_config ( 'system' , 'no_regfullname' ), " If unchecked, force users to registrate with a space between his firsname and lastname in Full name, as an antispam measure " ),
'$no_utf' => array ( 'no_utf' , t ( " No UTF-8 Regular expressions " ), get_config ( 'system' , 'proxy' ), " Default is false (meaning UTF8 regular expressions are supported and working) " ),
'$rino_enc' => array ( 'rino_enc' , t ( " Enable Rino encrypt " ), get_config ( 'system' , 'rino_encrypt' ), " " ),
'$verifyssl' => array ( 'verifyssl' , t ( " Verify SSL " ), get_config ( 'system' , 'verifyssl' ), " If you wish, you can turn on strict certificate checking. This will mean you cannot connect (at all) to self-signed SSL sites. " ),
'$proxyuser' => array ( 'proxyuser' , t ( " Proxy user " ), get_config ( 'system' , 'proxyuser' ), " " ),
'$proxy' => array ( 'proxy' , t ( " Proxy URL " ), get_config ( 'system' , 'proxy' ), " " ),
'$timeout' => array ( 'timeout' , t ( " Network timeout " ), ( x ( get_config ( 'system' , 'curl_timeout' )) ? get_config ( 'system' , 'curl_timeout' ) : 60 ), " Value is in seconds. Set to 0 for unlimited (not recommended). " ),