const $ = query => document.getElementById(query); const $$ = query => document.body.querySelector(query); const isURL = text => /^((https?:\/\/|www)[^\s]+)/g.test(text.toLowerCase()); window.isDownloadSupported = (typeof document.createElement('a').download !== 'undefined'); window.isProductionEnvironment = !'localhost'); window.iOS = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.MSStream; // set display name Events.on('display-name', e => { const me = e.detail.message; const $displayName = $('displayName') $displayName.textContent = 'You are known as ' + me.displayName; $displayName.title = me.deviceName; }); class PeersUI { constructor() { Events.on('peer-joined', e => this._onPeerJoined(e.detail)); Events.on('peer-left', e => this._onPeerLeft(e.detail)); Events.on('peers', e => this._onPeers(e.detail)); Events.on('file-progress', e => this._onFileProgress(e.detail)); Events.on('paste', e => this._onPaste(e)); } _onPeerJoined(peer) { if ($( return; // peer already exists const peerUI = new PeerUI(peer); $$('x-peers').appendChild(peerUI.$el); } _onPeers(peers) { this._clearPeers(); peers.forEach(peer => this._onPeerJoined(peer)); } _onPeerLeft(peerId) { const $peer = $(peerId); if (!$peer) return; $peer.remove(); } _onFileProgress(progress) { const peerId = progress.sender || progress.recipient; const $peer = $(peerId); if (!$peer) return; $peer.ui.setProgress(progress.progress); } _clearPeers() { const $peers = $$('x-peers').innerHTML = ''; } _onPaste(e) { const files = e.clipboardData.files || e.clipboardData.items .filter(i => i.type.indexOf('image') > -1) .map(i => i.getAsFile()); const peers = document.querySelectorAll('x-peer'); // send the pasted image content to the only peer if there is one // otherwise, select the peer somehow by notifying the client that // "image data has been pasted, click the client to which to send it" // not implemented if (files.length > 0 && peers.length === 1) {'files-selected', { files: files, to: $$('x-peer').id }); } } } class PeerUI { html() { return ` ` } constructor(peer) { this._peer = peer; this._initDom(); this._bindListeners(this.$el); } _initDom() { const el = document.createElement('x-peer'); =; el.innerHTML = this.html(); el.ui = this; el.querySelector('svg use').setAttribute('xlink:href', this._icon()); el.querySelector('.name').textContent = this._displayName(); el.querySelector('.device-name').textContent = this._deviceName(); this.$el = el; this.$progress = el.querySelector('.progress'); } _bindListeners(el) { el.querySelector('input').addEventListener('change', e => this._onFilesSelected(e)); el.addEventListener('drop', e => this._onDrop(e)); el.addEventListener('dragend', e => this._onDragEnd(e)); el.addEventListener('dragleave', e => this._onDragEnd(e)); el.addEventListener('dragover', e => this._onDragOver(e)); el.addEventListener('contextmenu', e => this._onRightClick(e)); el.addEventListener('touchstart', e => this._onTouchStart(e)); el.addEventListener('touchend', e => this._onTouchEnd(e)); // prevent browser's default file drop behavior Events.on('dragover', e => e.preventDefault()); Events.on('drop', e => e.preventDefault()); } _displayName() { return; } _deviceName() { return; } _icon() { const device = ||; if (device.type === 'mobile') { return '#phone-iphone'; } if (device.type === 'tablet') { return '#tablet-mac'; } return '#desktop-mac'; } _onFilesSelected(e) { const $input =; const files = $input.files;'files-selected', { files: files, to: }); $input.value = null; // reset input } setProgress(progress) { if (progress > 0) { this.$el.setAttribute('transfer', '1'); } if (progress > 0.5) { this.$progress.classList.add('over50'); } else { this.$progress.classList.remove('over50'); } const degrees = `rotate(${360 * progress}deg)`; this.$'--progress', degrees); if (progress >= 1) { this.setProgress(0); this.$el.removeAttribute('transfer'); } } _onDrop(e) { e.preventDefault(); const files = e.dataTransfer.files;'files-selected', { files: files, to: }); this._onDragEnd(); } _onDragOver() { this.$el.setAttribute('drop', 1); } _onDragEnd() { this.$el.removeAttribute('drop'); } _onRightClick(e) { e.preventDefault();'text-recipient',; } _onTouchStart(e) { this._touchStart =; this._touchTimer = setTimeout(_ => this._onTouchEnd(), 610); } _onTouchEnd(e) { if ( - this._touchStart < 500) { clearTimeout(this._touchTimer); } else { // this was a long tap if (e) e.preventDefault();'text-recipient',; } } } class Dialog { constructor(id) { this.$el = $(id); this.$el.querySelectorAll('[close]').forEach(el => el.addEventListener('click', e => this.hide())) this.$autoFocus = this.$el.querySelector('[autofocus]'); } show() { this.$el.setAttribute('show', 1); if (this.$autoFocus) this.$autoFocus.focus(); } hide() { this.$el.removeAttribute('show'); document.activeElement.blur(); window.blur(); } } class ReceiveDialog extends Dialog { constructor() { super('receiveDialog'); Events.on('file-received', e => { this._nextFile(e.detail);; }); this._filesQueue = []; } _nextFile(nextFile) { if (nextFile) this._filesQueue.push(nextFile); if (this._busy) return; this._busy = true; const file = this._filesQueue.shift(); this._displayFile(file); } _dequeueFile() { if (!this._filesQueue.length) { // nothing to do this._busy = false; return; } // dequeue next file setTimeout(_ => { this._busy = false; this._nextFile(); }, 300); } _displayFile(file) { const $a = this.$el.querySelector('#download'); const url = URL.createObjectURL(file.blob); $a.href = url; $ =; this.$el.querySelector('#fileName').textContent =; this.$el.querySelector('#fileSize').textContent = this._formatFileSize(file.size);; if (window.isDownloadSupported) return; // fallback for iOS $ = '_blank'; const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = e => $a.href = reader.result; reader.readAsDataURL(file.blob); } _formatFileSize(bytes) { if (bytes >= 1e9) { return (Math.round(bytes / 1e8) / 10) + ' GB'; } else if (bytes >= 1e6) { return (Math.round(bytes / 1e5) / 10) + ' MB'; } else if (bytes > 1000) { return Math.round(bytes / 1000) + ' KB'; } else { return bytes + ' Bytes'; } } hide() { super.hide(); this._dequeueFile(); } } class SendTextDialog extends Dialog { constructor() { super('sendTextDialog'); Events.on('text-recipient', e => this._onRecipient(e.detail)) this.$text = this.$el.querySelector('#textInput'); const button = this.$el.querySelector('form'); button.addEventListener('submit', e => this._send(e)); } _onRecipient(recipient) { this._recipient = recipient; this._handleShareTargetText();; this.$text.setSelectionRange(0, this.$text.value.length) } _handleShareTargetText() { if (!window.shareTargetText) return; this.$text.value = window.shareTargetText; window.shareTargetText = ''; } _send(e) { e.preventDefault();'send-text', { to: this._recipient, text: this.$text.value }); } } class ReceiveTextDialog extends Dialog { constructor() { super('receiveTextDialog'); Events.on('text-received', e => this._onText(e.detail)) this.$text = this.$el.querySelector('#text'); const $copy = this.$el.querySelector('#copy'); copy.addEventListener('click', _ => this._onCopy()); } _onText(e) { this.$text.innerHTML = ''; const text = e.text; if (isURL(text)) { const $a = document.createElement('a'); $a.href = text; $ = '_blank'; $a.textContent = text; this.$text.appendChild($a); } else { this.$text.textContent = text; };; } async _onCopy() { await navigator.clipboard.writeText(this.$text.textContent);'notify-user', 'Copied to clipboard'); } } class Toast extends Dialog { constructor() { super('toast'); Events.on('notify-user', e => this._onNotfiy(e.detail)); } _onNotfiy(message) { this.$el.textContent = message;; setTimeout(_ => this.hide(), 3000); } } class Notifications { constructor() { // Check if the browser supports notifications if (!('Notification' in window)) return; // Check whether notification permissions have already been granted if (Notification.permission !== 'granted') { this.$button = $('notification'); this.$button.removeAttribute('hidden'); this.$button.addEventListener('click', e => this._requestPermission()); } Events.on('text-received', e => this._messageNotification(e.detail.text)); Events.on('file-received', e => this._downloadNotification(; } _requestPermission() { Notification.requestPermission(permission => { if (permission !== 'granted') {'notify-user', Notifications.PERMISSION_ERROR || 'Error'); return; } this._notify('Even more snappy sharing!'); this.$button.setAttribute('hidden', 1); }); } _notify(message, body, closeTimeout = 20000) { const config = { body: body, icon: '/images/logo_transparent_128x128.png', } let notification; try { notification = new Notification(message, config); } catch (e) { // Android doesn't support "new Notification" if service worker is installed if (!serviceWorker || !serviceWorker.showNotification) return; notification = serviceWorker.showNotification(message, config); } // Notification is persistent on Android. We have to close it manually if (closeTimeout) { setTimeout(_ => notification.close(), closeTimeout); } return notification; } _messageNotification(message) { if (isURL(message)) { const notification = this._notify(message, 'Click to open link'); this._bind(notification, e =>, '_blank', null, true)); } else { const notification = this._notify(message, 'Click to copy text'); this._bind(notification, e => this._copyText(message, notification)); } } _downloadNotification(message) { const notification = this._notify(message, 'Click to download'); if (!window.isDownloadSupported) return; this._bind(notification, e => this._download(notification)); } _download(notification) { document.querySelector('x-dialog [download]').click(); notification.close(); } _copyText(message, notification) { notification.close(); if (!navigator.clipboard.writeText(message)) return; this._notify('Copied text to clipboard'); } _bind(notification, handler) { if (notification.then) { notification.then(e => serviceWorker.getNotifications().then(notifications => { serviceWorker.addEventListener('notificationclick', handler); })); } else { notification.onclick = handler; } } } class NetworkStatusUI { constructor() { window.addEventListener('offline', e => this._showOfflineMessage(), false); window.addEventListener('online', e => this._showOnlineMessage(), false); if (!navigator.onLine) this._showOfflineMessage(); } _showOfflineMessage() {'notify-user', 'You are offline'); } _showOnlineMessage() {'notify-user', 'You are back online'); } } class WebShareTargetUI { constructor() { const parsedUrl = new URL(window.location); const title = parsedUrl.searchParams.get('title'); const text = parsedUrl.searchParams.get('text'); const url = parsedUrl.searchParams.get('url'); let shareTargetText = title ? title : ''; shareTargetText += text ? shareTargetText ? ' ' + text : text : ''; if(url) shareTargetText = url; // We share only the Link - no text. Because link-only text becomes clickable. if (!shareTargetText) return; window.shareTargetText = shareTargetText; history.pushState({}, 'URL Rewrite', '/'); console.log('Shared Target Text:', '"' + shareTargetText + '"'); } } class Snapdrop { constructor() { const server = new ServerConnection(); const peers = new PeersManager(server); const peersUI = new PeersUI(); Events.on('load', e => { const receiveDialog = new ReceiveDialog(); const sendTextDialog = new SendTextDialog(); const receiveTextDialog = new ReceiveTextDialog(); const toast = new Toast(); const notifications = new Notifications(); const networkStatusUI = new NetworkStatusUI(); const webShareTargetUI = new WebShareTargetUI(); }); } } const snapdrop = new Snapdrop(); if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) { navigator.serviceWorker.register('/service-worker.js') .then(serviceWorker => { console.log('Service Worker registered'); window.serviceWorker = serviceWorker }); } window.addEventListener('beforeinstallprompt', e => { if (window.matchMedia('(display-mode: standalone)').matches) { // don't display install banner when installed return e.preventDefault(); } else { const btn = document.querySelector('#install') btn.hidden = false; btn.onclick = _ => e.prompt(); return e.preventDefault(); } }); // Background Animation Events.on('load', () => { var requestAnimFrame = (function() { return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(callback) { window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); }; })(); var c = document.createElement('canvas'); document.body.appendChild(c); var style =; style.width = '100%'; style.position = 'absolute'; style.zIndex = -1; = 0; style.left = 0; var ctx = c.getContext('2d'); var x0, y0, w, h, dw; function init() { w = window.innerWidth; h = window.innerHeight; c.width = w; c.height = h; var offset = h > 380 ? 100 : 65; x0 = w / 2; y0 = h - offset; dw = Math.max(w, h, 1000) / 13; drawCircles(); } window.onresize = init; function drawCicrle(radius) { ctx.beginPath(); var color = Math.round(255 * (1 - radius / Math.max(w, h))); ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(' + color + ',' + color + ',' + color + ',0.1)'; ctx.arc(x0, y0, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI); ctx.stroke(); ctx.lineWidth = 2; } var step = 0; function drawCircles() { ctx.clearRect(0, 0, w, h); for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { drawCicrle(dw * i + step % dw); } step += 1; } var loading = true; function animate() { if (loading || step % dw < dw - 5) { requestAnimFrame(function() { drawCircles(); animate(); }); } } window.animateBackground = function(l) { loading = l; animate(); }; init(); animate(); setTimeout(e => window.animateBackground(false), 3000); }); Notifications.PERMISSION_ERROR = ` Notifications permission has been blocked as the user has dismissed the permission prompt several times. This can be reset in Page Info which can be accessed by clicking the lock icon next to the URL.`; document.body.onclick = e => { // safari hack to fix audio document.body.onclick = null; if (!(/.*Version.*Safari.*/.test(navigator.userAgent))) return;; }