window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL; window.isRtcSupported = !!(window.RTCPeerConnection || window.mozRTCPeerConnection || window.webkitRTCPeerConnection); class ServerConnection { constructor() { this._connect(); Events.on('beforeunload', _ => this._disconnect()); Events.on('pagehide', _ => this._disconnect()); document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', _ => this._onVisibilityChange()); if (navigator.connection) { navigator.connection.addEventListener('change', _ => this._disconnect()); } Events.on('reconnect', _ => this._reconnect()); Events.on('room-secrets', e => this._sendRoomSecrets(e.detail)); Events.on('room-secret-deleted', e => this.send({ type: 'room-secret-deleted', roomSecret: e.detail})); Events.on('room-secrets-cleared', e => this.send({ type: 'room-secrets-cleared', roomSecrets: e.detail})); Events.on('resend-peers', _ => this.send({ type: 'resend-peers'})); Events.on('pair-device-initiate', _ => this._onPairDeviceInitiate()); Events.on('pair-device-join', e => this._onPairDeviceJoin(e.detail)); Events.on('pair-device-cancel', _ => this.send({ type: 'pair-device-cancel' })); } _connect() { clearTimeout(this._reconnectTimer); if (this._isConnected() || this._isConnecting()) return; const ws = new WebSocket(this._endpoint()); ws.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'; ws.onopen = _ => this._onOpen(); ws.onmessage = e => this._onMessage(; ws.onclose = _ => this._onDisconnect(); ws.onerror = e => this._onError(e); this._socket = ws; } _onOpen() { console.log('WS: server connected');'ws-connected'); } _sendRoomSecrets(roomSecrets) { this.send({ type: 'room-secrets', roomSecrets: roomSecrets }); } _onPairDeviceInitiate() { if (!this._isConnected()) {'notify-user', 'You need to be online to pair devices.'); return; } this.send({ type: 'pair-device-initiate' }) } _onPairDeviceJoin(roomKey) { if (!this._isConnected()) { setTimeout(_ => this._onPairDeviceJoin(roomKey), 200); return; } this.send({ type: 'pair-device-join', roomKey: roomKey }) } _onMessage(msg) { msg = JSON.parse(msg); if (msg.type !== 'ping') console.log('WS:', msg); switch (msg.type) { case 'peers':'peers', msg); break; case 'peer-joined':'peer-joined', msg); break; case 'peer-left':'peer-left', msg.peerId); break; case 'signal':'signal', msg); break; case 'ping': this.send({ type: 'pong' }); break; case 'display-name': this._onDisplayName(msg); break; case 'pair-device-initiated':'pair-device-initiated', msg); break; case 'pair-device-joined':'pair-device-joined', msg.roomSecret); break; case 'pair-device-join-key-invalid':'pair-device-join-key-invalid'); break; case 'pair-device-canceled':'pair-device-canceled', msg.roomKey); break; case 'pair-device-join-key-rate-limit':'notify-user', 'Rate limit reached. Wait 10 seconds and try again.'); break; case 'secret-room-deleted':'secret-room-deleted', msg.roomSecret); break; default: console.error('WS: unknown message type', msg); } } send(msg) { if (!this._isConnected()) return; this._socket.send(JSON.stringify(msg)); } _onDisplayName(msg) { sessionStorage.setItem("peerId", msg.message.peerId); if (window.matchMedia('(display-mode: standalone)').matches) { // make peerId persistent when pwa installed PersistentStorage.set('peerId', msg.message.peerId).then(peerId => { console.log(`peerId saved to indexedDB: ${peerId}`); }).catch(e => console.error(e)); }'display-name', msg); } _endpoint() { // hack to detect if deployment or development environment const protocol = location.protocol.startsWith('https') ? 'wss' : 'ws'; const webrtc = window.isRtcSupported ? '/webrtc' : '/fallback'; let ws_url = new URL(protocol + '://' + + location.pathname + 'server' + webrtc); const peerId = this._peerId(); if (peerId) { ws_url.searchParams.append('peer_id', peerId) } return ws_url.toString(); } _peerId() { return sessionStorage.getItem("peerId"); } _disconnect() { this.send({ type: 'disconnect' }); this._socket.onclose = null; this._socket.close(); this._socket = null;'ws-disconnected'); } _onDisconnect() { console.log('WS: server disconnected');'notify-user', 'Connection lost. Retry in 5 seconds...'); clearTimeout(this._reconnectTimer); this._reconnectTimer = setTimeout(_ => this._connect(), 5000);'ws-disconnected'); } _onVisibilityChange() { if (document.hidden) return; this._connect(); } _isConnected() { return this._socket && this._socket.readyState === this._socket.OPEN; } _isConnecting() { return this._socket && this._socket.readyState === this._socket.CONNECTING; } _onError(e) { console.error(e); } _reconnect() { this._disconnect(); this._connect(); } } class Peer { constructor(serverConnection, peerId, roomType, roomSecret) { this._server = serverConnection; this._peerId = peerId; this._roomType = roomType; this._roomSecret = roomSecret; this._filesQueue = []; this._busy = false; } sendJSON(message) { this._send(JSON.stringify(message)); } sendFiles(files) { for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { this._filesQueue.push(files[i]); } if (this._busy) return; this._dequeueFile(); } _dequeueFile() { if (!this._filesQueue.length) return; this._busy = true; const file = this._filesQueue.shift(); this._sendFile(file); } _sendFile(file) { this.sendJSON({ type: 'header', name:, mime: file.type, size: file.size }); this._chunker = new FileChunker(file, chunk => this._send(chunk), offset => this._onPartitionEnd(offset)); this._chunker.nextPartition(); } _onPartitionEnd(offset) { this.sendJSON({ type: 'partition', offset: offset }); } _onReceivedPartitionEnd(offset) { this.sendJSON({ type: 'partition-received', offset: offset }); } _sendNextPartition() { if (!this._chunker || this._chunker.isFileEnd()) return; this._chunker.nextPartition(); } _sendProgress(progress) { this.sendJSON({ type: 'progress', progress: progress }); } _onMessage(message) { if (typeof message !== 'string') { this._onChunkReceived(message); return; } message = JSON.parse(message); console.log('RTC:', message); switch (message.type) { case 'header': this._onFileHeader(message); break; case 'partition': this._onReceivedPartitionEnd(message); break; case 'partition-received': this._sendNextPartition(); break; case 'progress': this._onDownloadProgress(message.progress); break; case 'file-transfer-complete': this._onFileTransferCompleted(); break; case 'message-transfer-complete': this._onMessageTransferCompleted(); break; case 'text': this._onTextReceived(message); break; } } _onFileHeader(header) { this._lastProgress = 0; this._digester = new FileDigester({ name:, mime: header.mime, size: header.size }, file => this._onFileReceived(file)); } _onChunkReceived(chunk) { if(!(chunk.byteLength || chunk.size)) return; this._digester.unchunk(chunk); const progress = this._digester.progress; this._onDownloadProgress(progress); // occasionally notify sender about our progress if (progress - this._lastProgress < 0.01) return; this._lastProgress = progress; this._sendProgress(progress); } _onDownloadProgress(progress) {'file-progress', { sender: this._peerId, progress: progress }); } _onFileReceived(proxyFile) {'file-received', proxyFile); this.sendJSON({ type: 'file-transfer-complete' }); } _onFileTransferCompleted() { this._onDownloadProgress(1); this._reader = null; this._busy = false; this._dequeueFile();'notify-user', 'File transfer completed.'); } _onMessageTransferCompleted() {'notify-user', 'Message transfer completed.'); } sendText(text) { const unescaped = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(text))); this.sendJSON({ type: 'text', text: unescaped }); } _onTextReceived(message) { const escaped = decodeURIComponent(escape(atob(message.text)));'text-received', { text: escaped, sender: this._peerId }); this.sendJSON({ type: 'message-transfer-complete' }); } } class RTCPeer extends Peer { constructor(serverConnection, peerId, roomType, roomSecret) { super(serverConnection, peerId, roomType, roomSecret); if (!peerId) return; // we will listen for a caller this._connect(peerId, true); } _connect(peerId, isCaller) { if (!this._conn) this._openConnection(peerId, isCaller); if (isCaller) { this._openChannel(); } else { this._conn.ondatachannel = e => this._onChannelOpened(e); } } _openConnection(peerId, isCaller) { this._isCaller = isCaller; this._peerId = peerId; this._conn = new RTCPeerConnection(RTCPeer.config); this._conn.onicecandidate = e => this._onIceCandidate(e); this._conn.onconnectionstatechange = _ => this._onConnectionStateChange(); this._conn.oniceconnectionstatechange = e => this._onIceConnectionStateChange(e); } _openChannel() { const channel = this._conn.createDataChannel('data-channel', { ordered: true, reliable: true // Obsolete. See }); channel.onopen = e => this._onChannelOpened(e); this._conn.createOffer().then(d => this._onDescription(d)).catch(e => this._onError(e)); } _onDescription(description) { // description.sdp = description.sdp.replace('b=AS:30', 'b=AS:1638400'); this._conn.setLocalDescription(description) .then(_ => this._sendSignal({ sdp: description })) .catch(e => this._onError(e)); } _onIceCandidate(event) { if (!event.candidate) return; this._sendSignal({ ice: event.candidate }); } onServerMessage(message) { if (!this._conn) this._connect(message.sender, false); if (message.sdp) { this._conn.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(message.sdp)) .then( _ => { if (message.sdp.type === 'offer') { return this._conn.createAnswer() .then(d => this._onDescription(d)); } }) .catch(e => this._onError(e)); } else if ( { this._conn.addIceCandidate(new RTCIceCandidate(; } } _onChannelOpened(event) { console.log('RTC: channel opened with', this._peerId);'peer-connected', this._peerId); const channel = ||; channel.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'; channel.onmessage = e => this._onMessage(; channel.onclose = _ => this._onChannelClosed(); this._channel = channel; } _onChannelClosed() { console.log('RTC: channel closed', this._peerId);'peer-disconnected', this._peerId); if (!this._isCaller) return; this._connect(this._peerId, true); // reopen the channel } _onConnectionStateChange() { console.log('RTC: state changed:', this._conn.connectionState); switch (this._conn.connectionState) { case 'disconnected': this._onChannelClosed(); break; case 'failed': this._conn = null; this._onChannelClosed(); break; } } _onIceConnectionStateChange() { switch (this._conn.iceConnectionState) { case 'failed': console.error('ICE Gathering failed');'reconnect'); break; default: console.log('ICE Gathering', this._conn.iceConnectionState); } } _onError(error) { console.error(error);'reconnect'); } _send(message) { if (!this._channel) return this.refresh(); this._channel.send(message); } _sendSignal(signal) { signal.type = 'signal'; = this._peerId; signal.roomType = this._roomType; signal.roomSecret = this._roomSecret; this._server.send(signal); } refresh() { // check if channel is open. otherwise create one console.debug("refresh:"); console.debug(this._conn); if (this._isConnected() || this._isConnecting()) return; this._connect(this._peerId, this._isCaller); } _isConnected() { return this._channel && this._channel.readyState === 'open'; } _isConnecting() { return this._channel && this._channel.readyState === 'connecting'; } } class WSPeer extends Peer { _send(message) { = this._peerId; message.roomType = this._roomType; message.roomSecret = this._roomSecret; this._server.send(message); } } class PeersManager { constructor(serverConnection) { this.peers = {}; this._server = serverConnection; Events.on('signal', e => this._onMessage(e.detail)); Events.on('peers', e => this._onPeers(e.detail)); Events.on('files-selected', e => this._onFilesSelected(e.detail)); Events.on('send-text', e => this._onSendText(e.detail)); Events.on('peer-joined', e => this._onPeerJoined(e.detail)); Events.on('peer-left', e => this._onPeerLeft(e.detail)); Events.on('ws-disconnected', _ => this._clearPeers()); Events.on('secret-room-deleted', e => this._onSecretRoomDeleted(e.detail)); } _onMessage(message) { this._refreshOrCreatePeer(message.sender, message.roomType, message.roomSecret); this.peers[message.sender].onServerMessage(message); } _refreshOrCreatePeer(id, roomType, roomSecret) { if (!this.peers[id]) { this.peers[id] = new RTCPeer(this._server, undefined, roomType, roomSecret); }else if (this.peers[id]._roomType !== roomType) { this.peers[id]._roomType = roomType; this.peers[id]._roomSecret = roomSecret; } } _onPeers(msg) { console.debug(msg) msg.peers.forEach(peer => { if (this.peers[]) { if (this.peers[].roomType === msg.roomType) { this.peers[].refresh(); } else { this.peers[].roomType = msg.roomType; this.peers[].roomSecret = msg.roomSecret; } return; } if (window.isRtcSupported && peer.rtcSupported) { this.peers[] = new RTCPeer(this._server,, msg.roomType, msg.roomSecret); } else { this.peers[] = new WSPeer(this._server,, msg.roomType, msg.roomSecret); } }) } sendTo(peerId, message) { this.peers[peerId].send(message); } _onFilesSelected(message) { this.peers[].sendFiles(message.files); } _onSendText(message) { this.peers[].sendText(message.text); } _onPeerJoined(message) { this._onMessage({sender:, roomType: message.roomType, roomSecret: message.roomSecret}); } _onPeerLeft(peerId) { const peer = this.peers[peerId]; delete this.peers[peerId]; if (!peer || !peer._conn) return; if (peer._channel) peer._channel.onclose = null; peer._conn.close(); } _clearPeers() { if (this.peers) { Object.keys(this.peers).forEach(peerId => this._onPeerLeft(peerId)); } } _onSecretRoomDeleted(roomSecret) { for (const peerId in this.peers) { const peer = this.peers[peerId]; if (peer._roomSecret === roomSecret) { this._onPeerLeft(peerId); } } } } class FileChunker { constructor(file, onChunk, onPartitionEnd) { this._chunkSize = 64000; // 64 KB this._maxPartitionSize = 1e6; // 1 MB this._offset = 0; this._partitionSize = 0; this._file = file; this._onChunk = onChunk; this._onPartitionEnd = onPartitionEnd; this._reader = new FileReader(); this._reader.addEventListener('load', e => this._onChunkRead(; } nextPartition() { this._partitionSize = 0; this._readChunk(); } _readChunk() { const chunk = this._file.slice(this._offset, this._offset + this._chunkSize); this._reader.readAsArrayBuffer(chunk); } _onChunkRead(chunk) { this._offset += chunk.byteLength; this._partitionSize += chunk.byteLength; this._onChunk(chunk); if (this.isFileEnd()) return; if (this._isPartitionEnd()) { this._onPartitionEnd(this._offset); return; } this._readChunk(); } repeatPartition() { this._offset -= this._partitionSize; this.nextPartition(); } _isPartitionEnd() { return this._partitionSize >= this._maxPartitionSize; } isFileEnd() { return this._offset >= this._file.size; } get progress() { return this._offset / this._file.size; } } class FileDigester { constructor(meta, callback) { this._buffer = []; this._bytesReceived = 0; this._size = meta.size; this._mime = meta.mime || 'application/octet-stream'; this._name =; this._callback = callback; } unchunk(chunk) { this._buffer.push(chunk); this._bytesReceived += chunk.byteLength || chunk.size; this.progress = this._bytesReceived / this._size; if (isNaN(this.progress)) this.progress = 1 if (this._bytesReceived < this._size) return; // we are done let blob = new Blob(this._buffer, { type: this._mime }); this._callback({ name: this._name, mime: this._mime, size: this._size, blob: blob }); } } class Events { static fire(type, detail) { window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(type, { detail: detail })); } static on(type, callback) { return window.addEventListener(type, callback, false); } static off(type, callback) { return window.removeEventListener(type, callback, false); } } RTCPeer.config = { 'sdpSemantics': 'unified-plan', 'iceServers': [ { urls: '' }, { urls: "", username: "openrelayproject", credential: "openrelayproject", }, ] }