1. Uncomment this line `// app.baseUrl = '/polymer-starter-kit/';` in app.js near the top
// Sets app default base URL
app.baseUrl = '/';
if (window.location.port === '') { // if production
// Uncomment app.baseURL below and
// set app.baseURL to '/your-pathname/' if running from folder in production
// app.baseUrl = '/polymer-starter-kit/';
2. Change `app.baseUrl = '/polymer-starter-kit/';` to `app.baseUrl = '/your-pathname/';` (ex: if you repo is `github.com/username/bobs-awesome-site` you would change this to `bobs-awesome-site`)
3. Run `gulp build-deploy-gh-pages` from command line
4. To see changes wait 1-2 minutes then load Github pages for your app (ex: http://polymerelements.github.io/polymer-starter-kit)